Damnit, now I have to return mine :(
Damnit, now I have to return mine :(
Of course!! Maybe if these dumbass morons didn't surf the web all day at work, looking at cats, and figuring out what 'cute tankini' to get for their fat asses, they MIGHT.. JUUST MAAAYBE could have caught some of the news floating around in the world, during the last month plus, of pretty much straight-forward info…
lol, well of course! Thank you kind sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar... Wacka wacka wackaaaa
Did someone say wacka wacka?!
My thoughts EXACTLY... I was actually fairly shocked when I was looking up the figures! I had to double-check, just to make sure I wasn't reading it wrong before copypasta took place! lol :)
THANK YOU.... Someone else finally points this out!!!! Read my post above yours.. My thoughts exactly, good sir.
Ps, just for good measure, I think it'll be called the iPad Pro... Here's a mock-up logo I did late last night. (buddy of mine works air cargo at LAX and was told by another fella that managed to sneak a peek inside one of those tightly wrapped/securely packaged Urgent/Sensitive pallets, that have been coming lately,…
You know, all of these tech blogs and individuals alike, are going around posting these 'Comparisons' of the iPad/iPad 2 display and the new iPad 3... STILL, nothing can do justice for the difference between the displays, other than having two devices actually side-by-side.
Everyone is wrong about the name.... It will be called the iPad Pro.... Mark my word. Then, you may bow down to me :)
This sir, proves that there is still hope in the world.... hahaha
Thank sweet baby Jesus!!!
They forgot to add a kitchen
I know this. I was just adding to vigizmodo's comment. (notice the @ reply?)
LOL, I remember 2005 when I was saying the exact opposite!
Just the pressure alone from the back blast, being fired inside of a vehicle, can kill a person.
Maybe it's just me, but is is what came to mind when I saw this post...
@1:24, It would've been funnier if the dude taking off the sweatshirt, had a black mock turtleneck on underneath :)
Definitely the coolest video I've seen today. Great find, MrEvil :)
This is definitely the coolest video of the day. Great find MrEvil!
My thoughts exactly. Should have referred to him as an 'ex-genius' instead ;)