
“What the hell is wrong with people?”

I don’t see anything wrong with this situation except the killing statement which is ridiculous and not announcing that he was a police officer.

“Look, I know life ain’t fair and we shouldn’t have to do certain things but this is the world we live in so I pray that parents of black children are teaching them that they have to assess every situation differently than their non-black friends.”

Black kids, the game is different for you. Period. This is a perfect example; there were so many ways that dude (another off duty cop acting like God, ugh) could have handled the situation but he chose the “grab the black suspect” route, following his training to perfection. The white friends were never in danger

The problem was you weren’t goosestepping. And you were black.

I appreciate how guarded they are with the birth of their kids. I think that, celeb or not, you should have the final say in how much info you want to share with folks. It’s a time of bonding and with two babies at once, I’m sure that’s a different experience. Not everything needs to be shared immediately to placate

Christian Caliphate. United Daesh of America.

This isn’t about questioning your doctor, though, it’s questioning all the doctors in the whole world.

How do the mental gymnastics work if they won’t make a cake for a gay wedding (henceforth known as “a wedding”) yet they would make a cake for someone who has been divorced in the past or had premarital sex?

Those are two totally different issues, though. Not a good comparison.

And these communities are hit double because when they are struck by outbreaks of preventable diseases they will be denied access to decent healthcare.

No sir, that is EXACTLY what your city represents! You don’t get to deny what happened and what pictures capture!

10-15 miles per hour is the average running speed for humans.

White people only care about other white people. That is what I have learned from living amongst them for some 27 years.

It is the first time in 44 years that a district attorney has successfully indicted a Dallas police officer involved in a fatal shooting

All these terrorists self-radicalizing on the internet. Oh wait, when white guys brandish weapons in public places bc of shit they read on the internet, they’re just “passionate” and “misguided.”

Of course he wasn’t shot by a cop. He’s not a walnut.

This terrorist only got 4 years in prison? He wasn’t pulled over by a cop and shot point blank four or five times? Huh.

Why the fuck would they? So they can be the token for a law enforcement that has for decades and decades proven that they don’t give a shit about you or anyone who looks like you. Why would anyone who was given “the speech” as a child decide to work for the police as an adult?

POC: Never call the police. Ever.