
Don’t pay any attention to Locomotive Jones. He’s a crazed troll and will harass anyone he thinks is new in order to un-grey him.

Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.

White folks love to project. Whatever they think of you is what they think of themselves.

One (toxic femininity) is generally related to the other (toxic masculinity).
Queen Bees get Queen Bee Syndrome generally because they’re looking for the lioness’s share of pollen from the whole flower garden.

“Spirit animal” is a term that has real cultural meaning to Native Americans; this usage is appropriative. Please rephrase.

Yeah, no.

I doubt she will ‘treat all of their patrons this way’ (new Deplorable speak for “somebody publicly criticized one of us’, I guess) because she specifically targeted this one person for criticism because he was a famous Nazi. Patrons who aren’t that are ‘safe’ from this non-violent public criticism she dealt out.

Ooooh, your use of ableist hate speech and your refusal to care about oppression is so edgy. Oooooh.

only trolls use the term “retarded” as a slur, bro. you’re giving your game away too early.

Indeed. She’s also the same person who started off by writing:

The thing is if you publicly put yourself out there as a nazi fuckhead then you become a nazi fuckhead in ALL public spaces. I’m for disrespecting nazi’s in any and all circumstances. Freedom of speech is a bitch, he brought this on himself.

Yet somehow necessary.

This isn’t about “quiet acceptance”, it’s about not using the 24/7 tyranny tactics of the enemy, which undermine the (obvious) moral authority of anti-Richard Spencer arguments.

lol you white people get so principled and by the book about “rights” when it’s a white supremacist because you aren’t the target of their ire. I’m sure you’d be the same way if he belonged to a group where you were the target, right?

It was like it was written by a college Republican freshman with a thesaurus. Naturally, pundits are calling it presidential.

So alpha, yo.

In before the debate even gets started.

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

I get frustrated when people talk about “names being too black or brown” on resumes based on that BS freakonomics libertarian joint. It’s not the name. It’s the perceived black/brown-ness of the person with the name. Devah Pager from Princeton (at the time) did a study using race-neutral names and black faces with