That guy is a communist who speaks only for other depraved communists, aka Bernouts I guess.
That guy is a communist who speaks only for other depraved communists, aka Bernouts I guess.
So this is actually the reason I hope Trump let’s us have the Undocumenteds that are sitting in cages in concentration camps at the border.
Maybe we should just trust first year science students instead of scientists then? Same thing.
I eat miso soup all the time.
Good to see him back working. Honestly thought he was going to be blackballed from the industry forever.
David Brock is a philanthropist. David Brock doesn’t pay anyone to astroturf opinions online. Those rumors are false and they were started by Trump. They were not true then and are not true now. David Brock is a philanthropist.
Literally did not say that she was. But she’s closer then those who for some reason feel the need to criticise her every. single. day.
Can’t spell misogyny without no.
Literally was her turn and I’m sick of hearing how it wasn’t. She put in her dues, paid her time, and had the sickest political resume ever. You don’t want a woman POTUS and that’s fine, well not really, but don’t pretend she wasn’t THE candidate that was supposed to win.
I’m pretty sure you meant to say the following:
OMG you children must grow up and grow up soon. I was feeling pretty good about 2020 until you all filled up my inbox with these replies. I kind of think you are Trump supporters playing a bit to frustrate and confuse us but it won’t work because we’re onto you. But if you really are Bernouts then you need some…
Newsflash - You are a conspiracy theorist.
It would have worked if she wasn’t handicapped by international chauvinists. Don’t act like Putin was the only one.
Everything was fine before Trump. Full stop.
The best positioned candidate would be the one that can unite you people with the rest of us. I don’t think that’s Biden, even though the polls do. It’s either Booker or Beto and only because I’m not buying the Buttigieg hype. My money’s on Beto, but Booker has some serious chops.
“Washington Elites” - The boogeymen that everyone cites but nobody has ever seen. Might as well get on board with “The Swamp,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.
Hillary was up against the worst combination of global forces including but not limited to Russian subversion, extreme online trolling, unfounded questions about her health, suggestions that she was dishonest, complete fabrications about her relationship with classified material, more Benghazi BS, more smears, emails…
Winning Forumla = People Hate Trump + People Want Normalcy
You’re probably homeless. Why do Bernie supporters believe he will just give them money and houses? It’s not realistic.