
Yeah god forbid you should miss out on your bread and circuses right? Grow up. This shit isn’t going to stop if we don’t take a stand. Taking a stand means more than just being sort of sad for a minute and moving on as if nothing happened.

Oh it goes further than that! Donny Trump doesn’t like the sale and is asking the DOJ to investigate, leading to demands that AT&T sell CNN (yes, they own it) if they want to buy WB.

Johnny Depp is the reason I didn’t see that movie. He’s the reason I won’t see Murder on the Orient Express even though I really like Agatha Christie. He sucks and is bad.

This is how it’s done. Actors in lead roles like that make enough money from a single job to live comfortably (not lavishly, but comfortably) for life if they’re smart with it. More of them need to do this.

Thanks for proving once and for all that this joke was actually cruel and boorish, and that Arrested Development regularly crosses into asshole grandpa joke territory.

No. It’s been crazy. That’s the point. The bad times aren’t now. This is the time when the truth comes out and abusers get the fear they should have had before. The bad times were then, when abusers got to abuse with impunity knowing they’d never get in trouble.

How is it a hellscape NOW when these things are coming into the light and being condemned rather than THEN when they were happening under cover and the victims had no recourse, no belief? If you think the bad times are NOW (with respect to this situation at least), you’re being awfully selfish.

This is why we shouldn’t put celebrities on a pedestal. It’s that exact elevation above ourselves that enables this behavior so much in the first place.

Neil Young never wrote a diss track about Florida!

But I was so excited about all the money I was about to make! It was innocent, I promise!

The whole “I hope this isn’t true because I really like this person who plays pretend and doesn’t know I exist!” thing is disturbing. We should hope it isn’t true because we hope that people are better than this while also knowing better and therefore understanding that our hope is misplaced. Celebrity apotheosis is a

Guarantee lots of them are women as well. People really, really, really don’t like it when you separate them from their entertainments.

Can you imagine a female celebrity getting such a warm and welcoming embrace from the general public over such an admission? Getting to actually laugh at and be proud of being a stripper?

Yeah I think it’s hilarious that he thinks they’d take his case. First, there’s already one ACLU chapter with a case against Taylor’s people, and that one is much more civil-rights-relevant than Perez’s. Second...he has more than enough money to hire his own lawyers, so fuck him.

lol hand on the ass at the ATM...classic. Get yours, girl. Just don’t expect him to treat you any better than the previous wives.


I love the expansive magnanimity of people who are interested in reading the opinions of those who think that child sex abuse victims should keep their whiny mouths shut when they are fortunate enough to be abused by good actors. It’s just really important to be fair to all ideas, and if you don’t agree with that

Honestly I don’t really find it surprising. I think every single human being is vulnerable to this in some way. People really, really need a sense of belonging, and they generally really, really don’t like having to grapple with difficult existential issues. I’m not saying this to be condescending. I include myself in

The fuck does “group” mean in this context?! Is this a cult? A corporation? A random group of dudes?

Dustin Hoffman absolutely seems like an asshole. Also, Tootsie is the most misogynistic, transphobic steaming pile of shit and I do not understand why it is so lauded as “one of the best” comedy films. Except I do! Because men make those lists! People even think it is good feminism apparently!