weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

When are we going to stop pretending that the followers of Christian faith aren’t responsible for more pain and suffering than any other group in human history? Why is there still this social stigma shrouding atheism? It’s ridiculous and mind boggling that we still cling to the idea that atheists are somehow less

That’s the only ‘Jesus’ they recognize and accept. Remember, these are the same people who were (and still are) completely fine with forced hysterectomies on not-white women.

To all you Christians lamenting the loss of your “freedoms”.


My black people, repeat after me: no one is black enough to whitewash rape. No one is black enough to whitewash rape. No one is black enough to whitewash rape. No one is black enough to whitewash rape. No one is black enough to whitewash rape.

I don’t understand why people didn’t get what she meant immediately. It’s clearly a sport where even minor errors can cause serious injuries or death. If my child wanted to start doing gymnastics I’m not sure I’d even be okay with that. Just like football, tackle at least.

Does DeSantis have some monetary interest in Regeneron?

My attitude is: I was looking for a job when I found this one. So, no staying in a toxic environment. In one situation, I told them not to ever play about my money. They did, I quit once I got it, moved 2,500 miles away and found my paradise. :) Shitty jobs exist in abundance.

Give credit to FOX for greasing the slide.

Sure, you’d stay poor and miserable. But at least you wouldn’t have integrity either!

30 years ago, America had its problems. Plenty of racists, misogynists, workaholic assholes, Wall St. criminals, etc. But a GQP death cult was not one of them, although it was beginning.

Death, paralysis, multiple broken bones.  ‘Nuff said.  You won’t hear me saying a bad word about her or any other gymnast in a similar situation.  

Now playing

If she had competed unfocused and wound up breaking her neck, collarbone, or other various limbs, most of the bozos calling Biles a “quitter” would have forgotten about her as soon as the Olympics were over.

Not that she owes anyone besides her coach or her teammates an explanation, but it was clear a lot of folks seemed to think Biles pulled out because she was “feeling blue” or whatever and that she should have just “sucked it up”. While anxiety and depression are real health risks that deserve to be taken seriously,

She could have literally broken her neck. I don't really enjoy gymnastics, I'm always bracing myself for some gruesome injury to befall the athlete. To hell with the noise, she made the complete best decision, probably saved her life. Glad she had the support to do so

That tired trope about Black people being violent or angry is the ULTIMATE gas lighting of white supremacy. It's just like an abusive relationship where a person is controlled and abused finally loses it and raises their voice and the abuser says "See? Look how crazy you are!" It is just absolute bullshit nonsense.

One more time: You would think after ALL of the incidents of the past year that these bitches would learn, but no. Whiteness never sleeps, takes a vacation or thinks about anything other than their own needs. Hey Richard Cooper THIS IS WHY THE BITCH THAT CALLED THE POLICE ON YOU DIDN’T SUFFER ENOUGH!!!! These soulless

Get the report for the arrest of this supposed squatter.  Did he resist arrest?  Did he assault officers? If it was a non-violent arrest the fact that they drew their weapons is even more ammunition against them.  

Never hear about any consequences for these false police reports...

Yep. Sue like the wind blows. Get enough for a new home built on some land you acquired out in the country. Let them keep their neighborhoods. Don’t forget enough for the kid’s college education and your retirement.