That is a difficult question to answer because the statement is bullshit. We know it, He knows it, his surrogates know it, everydamnedbody knows it.
That is a difficult question to answer because the statement is bullshit. We know it, He knows it, his surrogates know it, everydamnedbody knows it.
Far too much of the evidence shows that Wilson killed Brown not because it was necessary, but because he wanted to.
**Exhales slowly***
“Because Booker is among the people who think that civility and decorum need to be maintained in the face of horrible disrespect for both the democratic institutions of the US and humanity in general.”
It’s more than an age thing though. My family is on its 4th straight generation of (not always career) military service (that I’m aware of) and this isn’t something we run around telling anyone. Military service is incredibly common in communities of color. As others have mentioned, we’ve always shed our blood for…
I remember people used to always say that they’d prefer that these damned racists would drop all the fake bs and tell them how they really feel. No more lying. Just telling us up front that we can’t have the job or apartment or loan because our blackity black asses are just too... black.
So much to say about Booker’s top 5, but “it was a decent list for a 50 year old man”???
It gets better, of course. Some fawx news asshole fixed HIS mouth to say that Obama wasn’t very articulate, based on his pauses and “uhmms” and such.
“This is the correct answer. Amazing all the people that want to believe bad shit about Will Smith. He has worked across every medium of entertainment and not one person has had a bad thing to say about him but Janet Hubert’s words are supposed to be gospel? GTFOH”
“I wish the BS gray clowns on the Root would hold Trump to 1/10th of the standard that they are holding on Biden.
Ok... Trump is a spoiled ass mother’s boy. He didn’t take his education seriously, only being accepted to a good school because of the wealthy version of affirmative action (which actually DOES exist). He isn’t a thinker. In fact, he totally lacks any intellectual curiosity at all. He has five kids by 3 different baby…
My gawd... As terrifyingly stupid as Trump’s words are in this video, Dr Birx’ reaction in video 2 gives me some small bit of comfort. Shadenfruede, not like actual comfort...
Yes... This bullshit was truly something to behold. He showed a video clearly made by campaign staff who can’t spend their time making the trolling, racist AF campaign videos they’d prefer to be making.
I heard the news about Weinstein’s diagnosis the other day. I gotta say, this is like the only COVID-19 related news I fully reject. Like, no question, not entertaining any contrary opinions about this.
Abrams got robbed of the GA governorship in broad damned daylight. Her experience in GA state politics is criminally overlooked, as is her fight to ensure that the right to vote isn’t stolen.
You are correct. I misstated the origins of MERS. Your last line, while factual, leads to many assumptions on the part of the public.
I’ve read that COVID-19 is part of the family of viruses which includes SARS and MERS, both viruses which reached or nearly reached epidemic status iirc. All 3 are believed to have originated in China.
“The speech was scripted and he was still incoherent.”
This pandemic is exhibit 33498690 in the case for a better, more rational health care system in the USA. People are gonna die. People who could have easily been saved if they had healthcare adequate enough to diagnose symptoms early and treat them. Let alone if we had an adequate covid-19 testing regime. Don’t even…
This pandemic is exhibit 33498690 in the case for a better, more rational health care system in the USA. People are gonna die. People who could have easily been saved if they had healthcare adequate enough to diagnose symptoms early and treat them. Let alone if we had an adequate covid-19 testing regime. Don’t even…