weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

The impression I always got of Shaq was that his silliness, his self depricating humor, his buffoonery was all to put people at ease since (white) people found a 7 ft tall black man of heft threatening. I’m sure he learned to employ those techniques in his teens.

My biggest problem with Brazile working for Fox is that she doesn't seem built for actually combating Fox's BS on air night after night. If she can summon the outrage she did in the interview quoted in this story every night, I may have to admit that my initial assessment was wrong.

Conundrum indeed... None of these polititians have perfectly clean hands. Every one of them is either naturally shady AF or has had to do something shady in order to get to a place where it’s possible for them to run for President.

Sorry, that simply isn’t true.

I am shocked that yours is the first comment in multiple story’s comment sections I’ve seen make this point. Truly deserving women go entire careers without getting a fraction of the recognition, support, investment, or opportunities that Holmes did.

I’m glad she’s not going to jail, but the terms of her probation seem set up to ensure she does soon. Civil Disobedience should not be subject to jail time. Expecting her to cease protesting is some bullshit.

Ok... I’ll be that guy... Why is a Black Widow movie long overdue? The character is a tired Femme Fatale stereotype which has been done roughly a million times already. Even her “Russian Spy” origins are played TF out at this point. I’m not sure what they could possibly do to make a Black Widow script new and

Replying to myself, cause trolls....

I’m not sure there is a simple answer. I’m tempted to answer “fix all those inequities we know currently exist **now** rather than incrementally over the next eternity”, but that’s what should happen anyway. Even adding payouts for recent provable inequities to that doesn’t quite do it.

Yeah... I did some dumb shit at 27. And 23. And 19. Hell, I did some dumb shit last year when I was xx, but I’ve never done something like this.

“Hot Take, but like The Hound, they should have never brought Gendry back.”

It seems like we could have a reasoned debate about abortion, given that a fetus is a living thing which will become a child if all goes well. The possibility of reasoned debate is greatly diminished by the fact that many anti abortion folks (claim to) believe contraception also causes abortions instead of making them

It seems to me that something is missing from this Reparations debate. Although slavery is a concrete thing for which loads of documentation exists, and damages can be calculated, talking about slavery is too narrow.

What the fuzzy hell???!!!* Donna Brazille is fantastically knowledgeable and can see connections and insights that most can’t, but she hasn’t ever struck me as someone who was built to do battle with ignorant trolls on live TV every night.

I’ve had the “why can’t white people say the N-word” conversation with Jezebel commenters before.

“Another day, another useless gray.”

Should (when) Trump pardon(s) Manafort, please no one tell him that a pardon removes the right to plead the fifth. AND lying to investigators or to Congress or a court would *still* get him perjury charges.

“...Basically, I kind of agree that AOC’s expectation banks be held to any standard other than that of making $ for shareholders is unrealistic, but I wish it wasn’t.”

What are you talking about?

Am I the only one who read that Politico piece? The headline quoted Omar as saying something to the effect of “Obama got away with everything because he’s pretty”, but I didn’t find that quote in the story.