Yeah... I did some dumb shit at 27. And 23. And 19. Hell, I did some dumb shit last year when I was xx, but I’ve never done something like this.
Yeah... I did some dumb shit at 27. And 23. And 19. Hell, I did some dumb shit last year when I was xx, but I’ve never done something like this.
“Hot Take, but like The Hound, they should have never brought Gendry back.”
It seems like we could have a reasoned debate about abortion, given that a fetus is a living thing which will become a child if all goes well. The possibility of reasoned debate is greatly diminished by the fact that many anti abortion folks (claim to) believe contraception also causes abortions instead of making them…
It seems to me that something is missing from this Reparations debate. Although slavery is a concrete thing for which loads of documentation exists, and damages can be calculated, talking about slavery is too narrow.
What the fuzzy hell???!!!* Donna Brazille is fantastically knowledgeable and can see connections and insights that most can’t, but she hasn’t ever struck me as someone who was built to do battle with ignorant trolls on live TV every night.
I’ve had the “why can’t white people say the N-word” conversation with Jezebel commenters before.
“Another day, another useless gray.”
Should (when) Trump pardon(s) Manafort, please no one tell him that a pardon removes the right to plead the fifth. AND lying to investigators or to Congress or a court would *still* get him perjury charges.
“...Basically, I kind of agree that AOC’s expectation banks be held to any standard other than that of making $ for shareholders is unrealistic, but I wish it wasn’t.”
What are you talking about?
Am I the only one who read that Politico piece? The headline quoted Omar as saying something to the effect of “Obama got away with everything because he’s pretty”, but I didn’t find that quote in the story.
It was a (poor) attempt at humor. “Jaguar” and “Panther“ are often used interchangeably, so I was referencing the movie Black Panther. This poor dumb ass woman was trying to occupy a space set aside for the Jaguar after all.
Fun fact I learned just now: Though“Jaguar” and “Panther“ are often used interchangeably, that…
Sooooooooo... After being repeatedly denied, Trump now believes that this time the response will be “sure, I’ll let you fuck me this one time, but you have to promise to let me sleep after that, ok?”
Please don’t feed the trolls.
R. Kelly is guilty of some pretty heinous shit, for which there exists publicly available evidence.
When I uhmm... fired up my Amazon FireTV Stick on International Women’s day, I was greeted with a graphic inviting me to enjoy 1 or more of 5 different series lead by women.
The hell with anyone laughing at the expense of Kelly’s victims or who somehow still believes he is innocent.
I really don’t understand what the big deal is. I never make up my bed or wash the sheets. Or comforter or pillows or stuff. Never had a problem...
I really don’t understand what the big deal is. I never make up my bed or wash the sheets. Or comforter or pillows…
You are an idiot.