weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

How is your baby?

Make sure that chicken is thawed out before I get home too.”

“Do we know why Speaker P didn’t make him wait till after the 15th to make sure he didn’t pull any more shutdown shenanigans?”

As a parent, *fuck no* I wouldn’t let my kids go to homes I know gun are. Parents can be cautious, but they will almost certainly make a mistake at some point. It only takes one time. And most kids are stupid to some degree... in fact most people are. Most usually either underestimate how dangerous something is or how

I’d like someone to tell me again how these bad cops who brutalize, murder, and abuse people are a small percentage of cops.*

I visited the White House once during Obama’s Presidency. Had my family and I been fortunate enough to be lead on a tour by President Obama, I’d still be wearing a smile today, years later.

These pictures have me sitting at work with the biggest, dumbest smile on my face.

I’ve never lifted competitively, but have been injured more than once lifting for fitness. Her bench pressing form scares me.

“Naturally, everyone on Twitter was like, “the fuck?” You know, maybe Weezer read Michael Harriot’s list of black songs that are off-limits, and when they didn’t see the TLC hit listed were like, “bet.” They thought they were in the clear...”

I’m not a lawyer, but in what world would that handwritten note satisfy any kind of legal requirement? It needn’t be said that *nothing* can provide cover for rape -statutory or other- but htf would a handwritten note be sufficient to grant temporary custody of a minor to someone?

As utterly horrible as it was reading about someone having raped someone in a coma, reading that she had “limited mobility and mental capacity” is somehow even worse.

You sound stupid.

Thx for the correction...

Thx for the correction...

I’d thank you for correcting the single piece of bad information I had, though that fact doesn’t change my point at all. Except you think the “weird Noble Savage” and “wise Indian elder” tropes are complimentary.

Well said.

That’s not entirely true. Wherever camera, seismic sensors and motion detectors are placed will need to be controlled. Can’t have people and cattle give false positive border crossing alarms. The biggest issues are already going to be systems smart enough to minimize false positives, and enough manpower to respond to

I’m genuinely surprised it took someone this long to propose this.

I’ve seen that picture of the lone black player being jeered at by all those white kids, but I somehow missed that kid in full body blackface way to the right.

Others have done a much better job calling out her messiness than I could, I’ll just mention this: When I saw her in the first promos for MS Bala, I saw America Chavez - Marvel’s MS America. The character is queer, Latina, and one of the most powerful, interesting candidates for the Avengers which will need to be