weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

We don’t know!! The only thing I’ve read about a drug test is that one had/was being arranged during the several days between the murder and when she was finally taken into custody. If they were serious about a drug test, she wouldn’t have been even allowed to leave the scene. She’d have been escorted to testing by an

While I agree that any data retrieved from the locks digital memory is important, I think any drug test results are at least as important. Not the unverified test results from this murderess’ Police department. Tests performed on her hair. Test performed on her blood, performed more than once on a surprise schedule. I

Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, is a respected college professor, who passed a FBI lie detector test and authorized the release of her therapist’s notes from years ago when she discussed the incident.

“It’s in the same creepy-ass ballpark, Tim. Grown Men shouldn’t fuck with teenagers either, because they can’t on an emotional level and usually on a financial level be equals with the actual goddamn adult in the situation. The shades of grey on this is not as diverse as creepstry to make it seem. It’s gross!”

You are absolutely correct that is hush money.

Except Thomas’ victimizing of Anita Hill was much more recent when revealed than these allegations against Kavanaugh.

Nah. The city will settle because he was killed in his own apartment. They won’t admit any guilt. The entire proceedings will be sealed, and the family will be bared from talking about them. Some small bit of justice, but we will never get a full accounting of what happened here. This God damned murderess?

“This is why I do not worry about Pence. Rump is there to create chaos so the Rethugs can implement their agenda without anyone looking. Pence, ever the politician, will not be able to do the same if he becomes President”

“A 15-hour shift? Holy shit, that’s insane...”

I’ve actually begun to consider something else here...

I wasn’t taking a position on whether or not this is a rule that is equitably applied. I genuinely don’t know. It just seems really stupid that an athlete should be penalized for a single example of that sort of thing.

I do not at all doubt that it does happen, but there are numerous former players and others in the tennis community who have pointed out how *rarely* that occurs. Especially in a tournament final.

Not sure if serious...

I wanna clarify because Officer involved shooting” is supposed to mean a specific thing, though it often doesn’t.

This is absolutely fucked on so many levels.

“See what I did there? If you can’t swap the gender, race, religion, etc. in your argument and have it still be valid then you aren’t making a valid argument.”

“Because contrary to the “angry black woman” trope, what we do best is make it okay for everyone else. *sigh*

I nearly typed a similar comment. Not sure why Stone keeps getting a pass for a movie in which her plainly, obviously, undisputably Caucasian ass played a bi-racial character*.

Gawd, that is so true. I bought my first custom made suit about 20 years ago. Even though it wasn’t made by any sort of well known or extraordinarily talented tailor, AND I was broke, I felt like approximately $995,000 when I wore it.

“I would pay good money to hear an intern sing out “That was COLD BLOODED!” after Booker’s announcement”