weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Am I the only one who sees a small glimmer of hope in the fact that the NBPA is taking a stand against other cops? Not a big hope, still waiting for the potential okie doke. But... there seems to be a small chance that we are seeing the beginning of the beginning of a change.

I agree. There is very little chance that he wouldn’t kill himself or otherwise waste that kind of money. I’m truly not sure why so many people feel this asshole couple should have simply thrown their hands up, said “whatev”, and given him the means to destroy himself.

“Plus, I think that you meant “Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s consigliere””

Serena winning and Monique's writing had me smiling like an idiot when I read this. Looking forward to watching Serena in the next round, especially after seeing Sloan Stephens lose in straight sets.

Oddly, the insurance company I moved to after them and every other insurance company I’ve ever had could do so.

This right here is exhibit 33456798 for why “cops can’t be wrong” is at the core of this fucked up ‘justice’ system.

This is extremely shitty all around. Either this dude raped Ke$ha, but she’ll never be able to prove it, or she’s lying to get out of a contract. I’ve seen nothing presented which reasonably helps those of us not present during the alleged rapes, to determine which narrative is true.

Isn’t preserving wedge issues a defining quality of the GOP? I’ve wondered for some time what would happen to their support among voters if they actually delivered on long standing promises like ending abortion. I didn’t expect to have that question answered anytime soon. It looks like it may well be, since Kavanaugh

“This issue made me change car insurance companies, after some 20 years. I’d made a couple of requests for a policy change, noticed (pretty late afterwards) that it hadn’t been done, and asked for a credit. They said that they had no record of my request. Which could be true! But it meant that (a) they didn’t trust me

I’m not a Minaj fan, but her success doesn’t bother me unless I stop to remember the “there can be only one” philosophy women rappers have faced for so long.

I used to believe in an unlimited freedom of speech too. Lost that long long ago, since all speech simply isn’t worthy of defense. The false equivalence of saying “I don’t like the American beef industry” is the same as saying “f*c& n*$g#$s and sp#$&s”, was simply too great to ignore.

I feel zero pity for her.

Maybe you lack context?

Even now, nearly 10 years later, I still can’t comprehend what combination of factors lead to Palin being the running mate pushed onto McCain.

I honestly started writing my comment conflicted, because at least the cop got jail time. Now seconds of thumb typing later, I think FUCK THAT.


“You think a set of B-cups and a weird accent made the tea party movement?”

I get that reading about another person’s abuse can trigger an abuse victim (genuinely not not being dismissive or sarcastic when I write this), but you are quite literally moving the goal posts on subsequent comments.

““Hi I’m Madonna, I wore a Prince clown suit during my last tribute , I spoke about myself during Aretha Franklin’s tribute and..... Feel like I’m leaving something out... Oh yeah ! I banged Michael Jackson once. Yep, that should ruin all your heroes.”

“How, specifically, does calling out an abuser during a Democratic primary benefit the right?”