weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Here’s the thing...

He’d need to be able to recognized as a credible contributor to the conversation first... and unfortunately by calling him racist initially, the validity of any of his input is contaminated in the present social communication environment... In other words, he has a point... stop throwing the “racist” label out as an

His attitude???!! So you approve of “contempt of cop”? This was someone returning from a trip who was obviously exhausted and just wanted to get in his house. Not only would a white man be seen as the harmless old man he was, he would have been treated with the compassion on would expect in such a situation. Of course

Do they want us to burn the whole thing down? I mean, honestly. We put up with all the inefficiencies, the terrible expense, the breathtaking stupidity and yes, racism, because if nothing else, we expect that no matter what We’ll get emergency care.

I don’t listen to the Breakfast Club often, but when I do, Angela Yee always seems grounded and reasonable. I agree with her advice here. He needs to be around more kids who look like him and share his interest and upbringing.It sounds stupid to tell another black person that black folks are individuals too, but it

“There is no such thing as “your proper due.” The market determines the value of every single good and service, including the value of your labor...

Only in America would a cop have the temerity to claim self defense after firing thru a car window, over his partner, at a person he couldn’t possibly have seen clearly. Maybe this family will actually see justice. Maybe somehow that will lead to other families seeing justice too.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed the steep decline of customer service and quality in the past few decades. Craftsman which used to be a trusted brand has largely gone to crap, as has its former owner Sears.

I was fortunate that I could quit without needing to be concerned with starving, or homelessness, or supporting kids. It wasn’t easy, but not having those concerns made leaving possible.

So much wrong with this, but this part right here:

I stopped being surprised by the bullshit that escapes the mouths of these guests on “News” shows, but lately they have really given me cause to cuss at my tv.

Yeah... I’m way past believing that someone whose work I appreciate isn’t capable of doing something reprehensible. That doesn’t change the fact that every new story requires me to find multiple new hands in which to place the limitless possibilities.

I’m fairly certain that they do know. Despite the fact that everyone knows no one can be a customer service drone all day everyday, these companies don’t want to give employees viable solutions for dealing with fucked up customers. The policy usually boils down to ”deal with it, and remember we can fire you for any

This sort of shit pisses me off so much. 

“You can’t see it, but I have the world’s tiniest violin and I am playing the saddest of sad songs for her.”

“This bitch” indeed.

“Trump. Kneeling. Blowhard”

I feel like I’m responding to the dumb kid who sits at the back of the class eating his boogers, when he bothers to come at all, but ok...


“ Perhaps CAIR or another appropriate party could do a fund or donation drive to provide Muslim girls with limited finances some Burkinis, or other halal swimwear”