weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Sil-Lai’s allegations against Simmons have enough corroboration to see print. As frustrating as it is, the allegations against Calloway’s lack the same corroboration.

“Oh. I see the charges are just a formality, since the all-white jury of MAGAts they will inevitably assemble are going to let him off. Then he’ll be on Hannity a week later for a special segment on ‘thugs destroying america’. Assuming Tucker KKKarlson doesn’t get him first."

I love the way their press release somehow combines True Crime, Mob stories, Magic AND Science Fiction in a way that is somehow even more ludicrous than one might imagine.

This is fantasticamazingspectacular. I hadn’t heard her name before yesterday, but today she is one of my new heros.

OH.MY. GAWD. Bless you Mr Russell, sir. Bless you...

I’m still shaking my head at the white privilege on display here. Weed businesses are still illegal in the eyes of the Federal govt. Regardless of how loudly Republicans scream “State’s Rights” when convenient, weed businesses are on pretty shakey legal ground. With ol Beauregard in the AG office, a crackdown can’t be

“Seriously. Can this woman not afford earphones?”

“Speaking with an accent isn’t the same as having a poor grasp of the language, though. And book smarts aren’t the same as a certain degree of shrewdness”

“Melania is a smart woman who knows exactly what she does.”

This idea that this who lack civility are entitled to it is mind boggling.

Lynch’s take on Trump is dumb AF. Quite a lot of things about this country are in terrible need of reform, but “disruption” isn’t the way to address them.

“My point is big businesses make their menial wage workers use shady tactics in EVERY industry. They’re not going to stop, as consumers, we need to know when we’re getting scammed...”

I am really conflicted about this. On the one hand, it’s great that Michelle is writing a book with the intention of encouraging us, and reminding us that we can do great things too. On the other, she is legitimately a brilliant, accomplished woman in her own right.

“I question the judge’s mental fitness...”

“The real “crime” is the water cost $2 a bottle.

“damn its the equivalent of a lemonade stand good grief...

“That’s not no reason. It’s an apartment building. It’s shared. You don’t fuck up the entrance by having you’re kids sell shit at the entrance. I’d have called the cops too no matter who was doing it. There’s a social contract with apartment buildings: don’t bother anybody, plain and simple.

Amazing isn’t it?* She has a quasi-legal hustle going on herself. One which would have been exponentially more difficult to get started were she a person of color, but she’s upset about an enterprising young girl getting her hustle on? Once again a white woman shows feminism is all about white women only.**

A Trump victory in 2020? Not a chance in hell as things stand right now.

Slovenian Barbie is so incompetent that she can’t perform the only duty for which she is even remotely qualified - the photo op. She can’t keep it together, look presentable, and feign concern thruout a short visit? A visit tangentially related to literally the only public issue she has even the tiniest bit of