weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

The frequency with which I spot people on their phones driving down the road drives me insane too. The thing is though, phone data logs are a bad way to determine if someone is on their phone at a specific time. Even if the relevant clocks are in sync, the person may not be looking at the phone, and due to data lags,

“Yet, this story isn’t a “we didn’t know, sorry...”.”

“expecting republicans to compromise, yet allow them to obstruct, is exactly why we’re here. they dont get anyone obstruction. they get compromise.”

“and this is the first i’ve heard of them giving up impeachment. they’ve been quiet, but mueller is still doing his job.”

“we should absolutely obstruct the republicans. we should have been doing it since 11/8/2016.”

“worn down knees and a herniated disc that triggers spasms, all with full documentation,but god forbid I ask for a muscle relaxer or percocet”

“What!? You actually want us to think before we choose to shoot - to kill -people of color!?” - Cops

I can understand the concern about someone being jailed for speaking words, as fucked up as those words were, but this is your evidence of a fucked up SA Justice system? It says right in the story you linked that this has never happened before.

Not clear how writing that I have difficult feelings for Asians, because of the way many of them have treated me, makes me bigoted.

I suppose the ability to read is necessary for someone to understand what I wrote, but it’s cool. I’ll sum it up in one sentence: having a friend (or acquaintance) of whatever demographic doesn’t make ok to say or do racist shit at their expense.

Do white people have a different understanding of what a friend is than the rest of us? I have Asian friends (a Mongolian AND a Korean!) who I count as such because their sons are my son’s best friends. They seem to be nice people, but I know calling them friends doesn’t eliminate the difficult feelings I have for

“I have this same exact fear about anxiety meds. “Oh, I can’t ask for xanax/adhd meds because they’ll think I’m drug seeking!”

No. No I am not drug seeking. In this context “drug seeking” refers to someone trying to obtain drugs for which there is no current medical necessity. I’m not doing that.

“Sounds terrible but don’t discount the shit that medical professionals have to go through now that discourages them from prescribing anything that could become addictive. There has been a huge pendulum swing that is creating problem for legit patients that need pain or anxiety/mental medication.”

I’m not looking forward to a similar doctor visit, a upcoming long assed flight makes necessary. I have been getting anxiety on flights since my thirties, after I’d flown frequently for more than a decade with no such issues. Part of my pre flight tradition includes depriving myself of sleep so I’ll be tired enough to

Fuck that’s insane. Aside from the sheer stupidity of judging someone for how they dress, there is the well known fact that a whole bunch of innocent things present like drug use or drug withdrawal. A medical professional is supposed to know that and act accordingly. I’ve had to go to urgent care and endure the side

“He has not denied the events. Just say its sad. Then he redraws himself from several projects. That are not the actions of innocent men.”

“I have never understood that. Why do we need to encourage people to join STEM programs? A person should pursue what they like doing. If you need to be encouraged into a field, you probably shouldn’t be there. It is not like people aren’t sufficiently exposed to technology today to decide for themselves”

When are we going to address the fact that cops lying, making shit up, fabricating evidence, falsifying reports and all that sort of shit, justifies questioning everything they say? The reports cited in the story you refer to basically state that the woman called the cops because this guy made her uncomfortable. Since

DAMMIT. When this asshole was suspected of burglary a few weeks ago, his beating off in a parking lot was brought up. I remarked that while that could be a sign of a pervert, it depends on the details, cause mebee it was a dark, empty parking lot. Even when it was revealed that he was caught in a parking lot in broad