weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Jordan was famously Apolitical. He portrayed himself as conservative, anti hip hop (even as he became an icon in the hip hop community), relatable for white folks, and most importantly non-threatening. It’s only been relatively recently that many of us even knew about much of his giving back to our communities. LeBron

“...Overwhelming sickness unlike anything ever felt before. Knowing all the while: if only you could take another tablet—better yet, as many tablets as you can find—those awful feelings might go away. Or become less intense, for awhile...”

Wait... Isn’t this progress? Wakanda has existed in Marvel comics for fifty years or so. Didn’t it used to be that whifolks always dismissed the possibility that an ultra advanced African nation could exist in real life? Why are we mad that has changed?

Maybe it’s still too early in the day for my brain to be working properly... Did this asshole really defend himself against charges of a violent, racist assault against a black woman (with witnesses and video) by saying “I’m not racist, but I’m violent for reasons, and I really hope you don’t know that misogynoir is a

“And most of all, it’s scary, I think.

I’ve taken those numbers showing tiny false rape report numbers as truth for some time. I’m starting to rethink that because I wonder if they’ve done any real breakdown of false claims. I mean, if only around % 2 of overall claims are false, but half of those are white women falsely accusing black men, and/ or

“All she got was a year? Like...she could’ve destroyed these guys lives. They could’ve just as easily ended up in prison over this lie. Their reputations, their scholarships, all gone over a white woman’s lie to....attract another guy? And all she got was a year?”

“In other words, God is in direct control of every event that has happened in human history to make sure the good people wound up where they would need to be to hear the gospel and all the other people are just bad and were never going to believe anyway.”

I hope he needs immediate brain surgery and the surgeon on call has a sudden, unexplained conversion to Cristian Scientist. I’d love to see the look on this asshole so-called Christian’s face, when his surgeon leads the surgical staff in the prayer which all by itself will cure him. It’s in the Holy book, so it must

Aside from the needless bigotry, the thing that confuses me the most about these religious zealots is their astounding lack of reasoning ability. I mean the religion they follow is almost certainly directly related to where they were born and what their parents taught them. In that way it is clearly no better or worse

This current iteration of “see for yourself the violence cops visit upon black and brown bodies” which started with the Rodney King video, is what 30 years old? That’s a whole damned generation. Anybody who doesn’t get it by now is either too blind or too dumb to do so. We’ve told our stories for years, the inequities

I have nothing to say about those reality TV people this post is about. They are tired assed people and I’m tired of talking about them. I wanna talk about that 9th Wonder and Black Thought jawn. Just started listening, but if it’s as hot 9th’s catalog with Murrs (another incredibly underrated rapper) it’ll be added

“There is way more that goes into designing a wedding cake than just writing two peoples name on it, though. It’s asking someone to make a custom work for you, for a specific occasion.”

I’m still a bit uneasy about this ruling. If it explicitly said something like “you can’t be forced to make a double dick cake”, I’d be ok with that. But the ruling seems to suggest that simply writing “Bill and Ted Nuptials” is considered “artistic” and can’t be forced. I’ve got a problem with that. There is an

You are absolutely entitled to feel however you wish about yourself and your career. Depending on what segment your writing falls into, that you aren’t disenfranchised, marginalized, ignored, or disadvantaged in any way may be indisputable. The fact remains that women have a much more difficult time as a writer in

Lol. One of the unwritten rules of street fighting is never stop the fight by grabbing your friend who is fighting. Grab the person your friend is fighting to stop the fight. Even better if you grab them after your friend has landed a fantastic punch, BEFORE the opponent can strike back. Ye ain’t forgot everything the

I have to ask: Do you use a male pen name because you understand it potentially helps your career, or for another reason? I think for a member of a disenfranchised group to seize something as simple as a name in order to get *fair* treatment is probably fine. Not the case when a member of a group which is so far from

Everything you wrote is correct, but if the Cavs don’t have a plan in place to goad Green into a suspension via 7th tech, then they have incompetent coaching. Tyron Lue doesn’t strike me as incompetent. That suspect tech Green got courtesy of a LeBron flop in game one should serve as exhibit A. They showed that flop

You raise an important point which I fear will never get enough attention: lack of interpersonal skills and coping mechanisms, while facing sometimes extreme emotional distress is not technically “mental illness”, though the two things are often conflated. They absolutely must be addressed differently, and the former