weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

I’d laugh at this idiot’s Obama tweets,cause they clearly telegraph his feelings of inadequacy, since he could neverevernever compare to the fantastic superbness which was Obama’s Presidency. Except... there are tens of millions of white folks who either already believe, or are ready to believe this revisionist

I’d laugh at this idiot’s Obama tweets,cause they clearly telegraph his feelings of inadequacy, since he could neverevernever compare to the fantastic superbness which was Obama’s Presidency. Except... there are tens of millions of white folks who either already believe, or are ready to believe this revisionist

I’m still somewhat on the fence about whether or not felony murder laws should exist, but in your step brother’s case, he could reasonably have anticipated the murder as an outcome. That is how and why felony murder laws exist. The kid from this story had no reason to anticipate a possibly unjustified killing *of one

Lol. They gave a fight to a guy they’ve proven they hate over and over again, cause their Golden boy threw a tantrum. ROTFL.

McGregor’s actions were absolutely despicable, but a cannot stop laughing. I feel bad for the the fighters this idiot injured, but Conner is a monster Dana and the UFC created with their years of endless bullshit. They ignored scores of hard working fighters in favor of someone who better fits their mold of marketable

Aside from the fact that there simply is not an increase in ‘illegals’ entering the US, and the fact that we couldn’t possibly patrol the entire border with Mexico, even if we tried really really hard, there’s the question of what exactlythefuck “prosecution” is supposed to look like. He isn’t suggesting that we house

But there’s more to it than simply, “they cant use what I dont put on Facebook”. My last reading of their EULA, indicates they share our info with partners - just like every other company does. They only need a few key partnerships to know damn near everything about us, from we what we buy and how we pay for it, to

I can’t believe that don’t touch my food at *all*, unless it’s individually wrapped, needs to be said. That tortilla chips (or was it salsa?)commercial where the black dude would only let a certain woman share his food, was so funny to me, cause it’s true! Don’t be sticking your nasty assed hands in my food, be it on

*Replying to myself cause I won’t bring someone I suspect to be a troll out of the greys, but he or she makes a point others may believe to be relevant.*

He *should* have been charged, but not murder 2. THAT is what is wrong here. I can understand his desire to knock out somebody out for calling him nigger. Maybe a”fighting words” defense would have had some merit if she walked away with a bloody nose, but not when she died. As others have mentioned, the definition of

One of the things that is often missed in cases of cops murdering black folks, is that many times the cop chooses to escalate a benign encounter because he feels the black person isn’t showing him his proper respect. This ‘contempt of cop’ could be the words the black person spoke, a tone of voice, a gesture, a look,

I’d bet all this week’s lunch money that hiring RG3 *IS* their attempt to prove they aren’t colluding not to hire Kap. Like “see, we hired a black quarterback who’s been out the game for a while= #not racist!”. That’s absurd for all the reasons, but I’m sure somebody already has RG3's contract on their list of

Anyone with legal training wanna comment on the chances of the family’s lawsuit? Does that cop who waited (cowering) outside while the shooter continued unchallenged, bolster their case, or does the supposed policy mandating 2 officers in that scenario insulate them from the consequences of that cop’s actions? What

“These angry, damaged people would still be angry and damaged if they had any other weapon, be it a hunting rifle, a knife, or a truckbomb.”

I agree with everything you’ve said, but there is an aspect of this which doesn’t seem to get enough attention: Either our polititians have been bought off cheap as hell, and are utterly incapable of understanding how few people actually support the “no gun regulation” viewpoint, or there is a hell of a lot of money

Carol has gotten a bit more depth in the past 2 episodes though. Last week she half confessed her love for the guy she was living with in Alexandria, during her “bake cookies & play helpless” phase. Then he turned and she had to put him down. The normally bad assed Carol had some difficulty doing so. It obviously

G’damn... I can spare some of the countless hugs I give my kids for you. Genuinely sorry you have to go thru this . More than just feeling feelings for what you are going thru, I’ve spent time reaccessing my own behavior. I don’t put my hands on women, I never have, but I ain’t perfect. I know there are a bunch of

I can understand people who fucks wit Fabo hearing him scream at Emily and her father, while walking towards her, ignoring all the obvious tells in the video, but *fuck* there are major indications that this is more than just “an argument”. He seems to have some bad intentions as he moves toward her. Emily B is

Yeah... And If the reports of him punching her 7 times and Knocking out teeth is true.... Like I understand anger, but how in the holy hell does it get to the point where you not only lash out, but visit that kind of violence on *anyone*, let alone the person you claim to love? AND when it some fucking how gets that