weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

I miss MHP too. AM Joy is absolutely a different type type of show/experience than was Nerdland. Still a fan of Joy Reid though. As much as I detest the circumstances of MHP’s departure, I have to give MSNBC credit for the fact they chose another woman of color to fill her time slot. They should not earn a cookie for

I don’t touch *anything* in the work bathroom with my hands. Flush handle? Shirt covered elbow, or if I’m in the loo alone, the bottom of my shoe. Sink? Shirt covered elbow or paper towel. Door handle? Ditto. If I’m wearing shoes with laces, I make damned sure they are tucked deep before entering the bathroom. I

I absolutely admit to being a fan, but I wonder if you are expecting too much from her. I get that tv hosts are always cordial in the face of mindless fuckery of the sort that Trumpettes bring around. I get that her immediate predecessor, Melissa Harris Perry, walked away rather than stand for the network’s BULLSHIT.

Agree with you on Tapper and the rest of CNN, and most of the so called competent media. I disagree on Joy Reid. She routinely calls these people put on their BS. In my opinion, confronting BS and explaining clearly *why* it is BS is more effective than pretending the BS doesn’t exist. Yesterday Joy Reid repeated what

Yup. It was beautiful. I remember I was flipping thru channels that day and somehow landed on that show. Stewart absolutely *owned* that bowtied asshole. Weeks of laughs were had at his expense.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me the issue isn’t the lack of speed. I wouldn’t focus on the immediacy​ (or lack of) of a conclusion to this Russia investigation if I could trust that Mueller and Congress would follow thru with impeachment when the collusion charges are inevitably proven. I simply cannot

There is so much WTF here. I expect cowardly cops to shoot people unnecessarily, because there is no penalty for them if the shooting is unjustified. I expect them to lie about the circumstances of said shootings. I expect bitch assed prosecutors not to charge these cops, because they care more about losing cops

He said the hypothetical train had a dick, not the train tracks. Do please try to keep up ;-)

I’m really not sure why people like you have a hard time believing anecdotes like those Bogartcat gave you. BernieBros™ like the one he recalled we’re all over the place during the primaries and even before the general election. Their positions were often nonsensical and wholly inconsistent with reality. Like the guy

Noone is calling for the right to remain silent to be be abolished. My take on the prosecutor’s​ statement was that the police Union’s rules put a limit on the permitted questioning and/or he was alluding to the issues going against the cops would cause his office. This also brings up another problem I have with cop’s

Despite my admiration of your username, I really, strongly disagree with your assessment of that terrible show. Ser Loras was the wrong choice to play Danny Rand. He isn’t a great actor, he failed to do anything with the admittedly horrible script, and I doubt even Jackie Chan and his group of regulars could make him

Not that I approve of their business model, but isn’t the the fact that the ticket revenue is split with the movie studios, the  reason for insane concession prices? We usually sneak our own snacks into the theater. There happens to be a dollar store around the corner from the theater. Bagful of snacks for a fraction

“I have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt [that] the moment he shot the gun, he feared for his life. And he used force because he thought he was gonna be killed,” Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said of the investigation. “But I can’t. He won’t answer my questions because he doesn’t have to, OK?”

“Myonlyquestion here is did Mr. Blakely work after his serperation from the Navy with retirement in mind?”

“We’re getting nothing back for our investment.”

Except it wasn’t an “accident”. Anticipating an innocent person could be somewhere in between the guns and where any bullets fired would naturally come to a stop isn’t hard. It’s the most simple, basic, obvious thing. This is an example of the most jaded definition of “collateral damage” I can imagine. They have

Odd that you single out the Palestinian authority when there are so many countries who fit the description I gave for those we give money to. I disagree with your assessment of the effectiveness of providing the Palestinian Authority with funds too. It’s convenient to assume they bear some responsibility for terror in

I’ve noticed that all those people who were critical of Dreamers loudly demanding action from Pelosi and ‘em are awfully silent now. Those Dreamers tried to told us that the Democrats who claimed to have their back, couldn’t be trusted to just get it done - they needed to be pressured to do so. Now look...

I get that people who actually need a gun for protection want it close at hand. That is logical. It’s another of those things that overrides a lot of the common sense precautions people know they should be taking. It’s also why the NRA and it’s stance against all reason and common sense, including smart gun locks and

Seriously though. As much as I intially enjoyed the series (the books and TV show) Martin’s endless exposition on the last 2 books (1 book stretched into 2) clearly demonstrated that he was over writing this story. Even as someone who’s never written for a living, I get it. He’s written this world for 2 DECADES. He