weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

“WeWent to a Game of Thrones Dinner and didn’t get murdered”

I disagree. This tax bill stabbed Obamacare right in the back. It doesn’t know it’s dead yet, but it is. The tailspin Trump’s dumbass has claimed it has been on since he took office is definitely beginning now. Bills can’t be paid, people will drop out, premiums will get higher for everyone. It’s even more maddening

This threat is utterly nonsensical. The US does not give money to any country out if a sense of charity or any kind of sort of benevolence. It does so because it benefits us to do so. For example those countries who are helping us wage our “war on terror” in the Middle East. Our funding and military support

The charges of insider trading are overblown here. There were screenshots showing BCH on Coinbase circulating prior to the announcement. They were unconfirmed, but the CEO had been on tv cutely alluding to adding to Coinbase’s trading assortment. I read on several sites about “Coinbase’s announcement” a day or 2

I’m not sure its really about going to bat for Franken. What he did *is* unacceptable. It *does* have lasting effects on victims, but it simply isn’t the same as what Lauer or Moore or Trump did. If feels fucked up saying that one victim is less aggrieved than another, but it is objectively true. I get it. As a person

Sorry, but I have to reject the premise. How can white supremacists infiltrate a system for which they are a foundational component?

Does anyone still believe that this ongoing purge will accomplish the lofty goal of changing the misogynist environment in newsrooms, businesses, and Congress? I’m all for this behavior being exposed, the truly guilty being exiled, and better policies and policing going forward, but this doesn’t look like that. It

This whole tax thing has made me realize there is obviously something wrong with me. See, my salary is above the national median. I actually have a disposable income after all the bills are paid and can even afford to save. We have fun money to spend after all that! I enjoy not having to budget too tightly (though our

I was thinking how the owners would never evereverneverever approve any ownership group which includes Kapernick, but you are correct about Diddy too. No way in HELL they approve a sale to an ownership group lead by Diddy. Oprah? Maybe. I’d suggest Condeleeza Rice. Even if they don’t respect her and her supposed love

Certainly our nation’s long overdue infrastructure needs will put the brakes on this horrible tax bill the Republican Congress is trying to fast track, right?* RIGHT??!!???

Nah. Fuck that. It is very nearly 2018. We need to stop letting people like this asshole think that the law only works for them. I know... his initial lack of prosecution, then the half assed prosecution effort and acquittal demonstrated differently. The cops may not GAF if one of us insist that they do their job in

Funny that you mention Jesus in this context. Cause the final episode pretty much confirmed that McNulty was the Jesus character of the series. The wyaaaat savior of B’Moore. At least they saved that for the final episode, since it kinda ruined the series for me...

EXACTLY. He found out about something which doesn’t prove shit, but is at the least, a bad look, and took swift action. In the minds of the damned Republicans this swift action is somehow proof of bias???!!!! If Mueller had left the guy on the case, and kept this all quiet while the investigation went on, THAT would

Wait...what??!!??!! Jewish Israelis are running an apartheid system RIGHT NOW. They absolutely do all of the things that you mention, and worse. Where did anyone try to connect that evil with being Jewish?!?!! It’s simply evil that people who happen to be Jewish try to justify based on a number of things, including

I stopped hating Kobe long ago, when I realized that OUR HATE ONLY MADE HIM STRONGER!!! He’s retired now though, so I’m considering reinstating said hate...

“Only problem with that plan is then by the end of the 3rd quarter they would be playing 7 on 9 football.” Who GAF?!?!? I was raised on smash mouth football, where the ferocity of the hits were far more important than the more nuanced elements of the game, like spectacular passes or catches, or incredible kickoff

“It is suicidal to give citizenship to those whose declared aim is your destruction.”

I almost skipped this post when I saw the shameful opening picture. The “grilled cheese sandwich” looks like 2 pieces of toast someone put some old cheese in between. It looks dry. THERE ARE CRUMBS ON THE PLATE. There is no delicious gooey cheese escaping the confines of the bread. I was pleasantly surprised when I

You have given emotional and historical arguments which do nothing to diminish the relevance of the other sides of those same arguments. Regardless of which side one falls on, Trump’s proclamation makes peace that much more difficult.

That’s the part that leaves me absolutely perplexed. HTF does a company sell more widgets when their policies ( they paid for those policies, after all) deny the people who’d buy them the funds to do so? I get the allure of cash *NOW*, but I’ve never turned down a promotion or a better hustle because I didn’t want to