I don’t remember the part where I threatened to kill someone on the internet in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s because they were better than me or I was better than them.
I don’t remember the part where I threatened to kill someone on the internet in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s because they were better than me or I was better than them.
Jets is an acronym, its stands for Just End The Season.
Private e-mail was never a big deal... unless you are a woman running for President. Then, it’s a sure sign you should not be POTUS.
Protest in the street? Naw, this is not the time or place, since the protests are disrupting to my commute.
I don’t consider labeling DLC bad as being toxic.
Toxic? More like murderous.
At your next clan meeting, ask the Grand Wizard where Stormfront has set up shop.
Run over people (and kill someone) protesting Nazi’s: that’s a fine person.
She was (and still is) way out of his league.
Ugh. Olivia Munn has ruined her perfectly natural and beautiful face.
Oh hey, look at that; a stupid old white rich male who is projecting his own self hate/loathing on other people.
Based on the information provided, we believe that your personal information was not impacted by this incident.
I remember a time when coked out rich kids shooting innocent people was a thing in the “Big City”.
I read another review that called out how the 3D effects added depth to Samus’ movements and the environments (which they stated were awesome - water falls, caverns, etc. and alien creatures in the background that eventually come to the foreground to kill you).
What are they doing?
Could you imagine conservative’s reaction when someone who is not white to make such a statement?
I love how in the conservative’s eyes a local government could do whatever it damn well pleases. Yet, when it comes to doing something that benefits some brown people: it’s nazi feminazi government squads gearing up to exterminate white males in this country.
Sales wise, of course. But, so was the Wii.
Let’s be honest - the shop owner should have shot the black child long before the police in heavy armor & firearms would have showed up.
Racist whites have been dancing around with language for quite some time. This isn’t something new.