
hmm looks nice, but for all of those desparate to buy this, I suggest checking the Lifehacker article on a cheap alternative... [lifehacker.com]

Glad they can finally figure this out. I have business to attend to over in Andromeda.

Im pretty sure most apps arent just ported versions. And may of these apps existed on iOS when it was way bigger than android, hence more features and support. But this is fast changing due to the sheer number of android users. Apple might be able to bend over for the content providers (which is not actually the case-

So would the thing itself heat up? Or would it just be heating the air around it? Because if it gets hot to the touch, and you have some guests over and they decide to take a look at that lovely glass sculpture and touch it...

Right. Assange is responsible for freeing all the worlds people from the tyranny of US slavery. thanks for reminding me.

I agree. With Lion coming out and the similarities between it and iOS, you would think they would include some touch functionality, or at least some gestures (not necessarily touching the screen). They even have a patent for gestures with a keyboard, Im not sure why theyre holding back.

Why is he getting all this attention. In my college there are about a dozen people with these jump suits. Its really pretty common now. Also it was an album where anyone could upload, not a hack... #corrections

Pretty cool feat of engineering. But knowing how intense the pressure is down that deep, those first guys to go down that far must be pretty brave to do it siting inside a glass bubble.

Nobody seems to have brought this up, but maybe it will be really cheap as well. Thats where Nokia gets a lot of its money from, and if there was a really high quality, powerful tablet from a big name company, I think it could find a sizable market.

Gawd. ihope this is not the name of the service.

I would say what hes talking about is a bit different from whats happening now.

With the number of people coming onto the tablet market, that 10% is a big number. I think one of the problems in the past is the price of dual screened tablets is basically the same as buying two tablets, which discouraged many that would buy one. As the price drops, Im sure we will see more of these, as well as apps

These are always pretty cool to look at, kind of a glance back into the past, and since its a Russian prefab city its aged like a Zombie infested town would.

yeah, these are something I would WANT to put a lampshade over.

It might be cheap, and it might be quality, but for $150 more I can get the Asus tablet with honeycomb, or another 30 dollars will get me the G Slate. With the already dropping price of Honeycomb tablets, buying the nook would be harder and harder for me to justify. But as an ebook reader + tablet, I dont think there

If you went the root route, it has had angry birds from almost day 1.

Id say its also starting to look a little more EVO ish with the large screen dominating the form even more than the last model.

Nah, I think hes just about to swat a fly of of the other guy's back.

Eh, maybe. But part of the deal is that they hold it for so long on the device instead of deleting it, not just the fact that its unencrypted.

True, and they all look very similar anyways, the main thing Im trying to point out is the new shape of the center button on that mock up.