lol at Topeka, erm, i mean Google Kansas.
lol at Topeka, erm, i mean Google Kansas.
Wait a second... when would any tablet that's price is right and looks, feels and works amazingly well ever be a bad idea?
thats what i hear too, something like the y2k bug with the new layout...
i keep loosing mine somehow. if it was cheaper i would definitely buy it though. looks nice, but paying that much for something that I might loose and can get functional ones for $1? i dunno...
Good point. I dont think there is any time these two planes have been used for air to air combat, or even suppression of anti aircraft weaponry. They are solely ground attack and airborne artillery. Wouldnt do much good against a SAM site (too slow), but a column of troops? No problem.
Im too lazy to work around the paywall yet, but once (if) i get to the limit, im sure ill get angry and shake my fist at the computer before heading around it.
My guess is they had a few units that had this problem noticeably, but knew that for most people it wouldn't be an issue, but for the average Joe (who would be reading CR) paying that much for a phone that might have the call issues could not be recommended by them. It would make Consumer Reviews look bad. But for…
Well they probably looked at the other phones with the same rating, and lower rating, and said, hey, the review units we used had trouble making calls, which is what cellphones are supposed to do, so we love the software and it looks good, but we just cant recommend this one.
inside the lives of non-poor 4chaners
Must have been a pain making the cable station at the top then
Carefull, AT&T might see this and decide it needs to up rates as well.
This is pretty dumb, considering one of the selling points of having the World Cup in Qatar was the ability to move the stadiums post cup to Africa. Do you really think we will be seeing this technology implemented in Africa, or maintained for any length of time?
What?! Three months? The average American's attention span isnt even 3 minutes
ha ha yeah glad we agree on most of this. its nice to agree with someone every once in a while on a comments page
exactly. and to get people to use the other methods they have to get to the site, increasing clicks and ad views.
There was an interesting Steve Hawking thing on this that I saw on the TV I think it might have been a Nova program. Worth watching if someone is interested in this kind of stuff, but I think he is off in a few areas.
yeah im a flat tax proponent too, but you look at how much they spend on lobbying, the money they get from tax loop holes and it seems hardly arbitrary to me. And as for alternative resources, Im more in favor of new nuclear plants if we are going to subsidize alternative energy so much.