
Highly Likely Happening? I heard it was highly likely probably doubtlessly presumably happening....

Man whenever I see the name AT&T in the news it means bad news. But to be fair, I think the Xoom is a bit better than "relatively up front" about being 4g less right now

Wow. Kinda makes all the other news about i whatevers and which smart phone has a higher res screen look a bit petty (not to put anyone or thing down). The sheer magnitude of this, and that it was so widespread is quite amazing.

I would imagine thats what it was; thats the side of Japan that had the earthquake

hmm looks good for Apple on this one, although it cant rock the fo gees unfortunately, and the RAM isnt quite as good

hmm looks good for Apple on this one, although it cant rock the fo gees unfortunately, and the RAM isnt quite as good

hmm looks good for Apple on this one, although it cant rock the fo gees unfortunately, and the RAM isnt quite as good

When I saw the title and that this was about choosing the color of a tablet I thought this was going to be one of those "tweet" posts, not an in depth article... Not sure if thats good or bad

Im looking forward to trying this one out. From what I have seen its a huge improvement over the original, but thats not really saying that much. I tried out the Xoom and it was really good so I will be interested to see how it stacks up (although it seems so far the Xoom is better)

they did one awhile ago of stock photos of angry women trying to fix broken tech or something like that. It was quite funny

Yeah if they didnt have this in the iPhone 5 the hardware would be, as Jobs would say, DOA



ha ha good list there

agreed. If I remember correctly they just recently applied for a patent on touchscreen lcds. Really Apple?

I see you and raise you one iPad 2

Best way to troll, go to the atheism page and just quote random scripture lines, or nit pick on things like grammar during arguments. Its pretty funny whatever you believe.

A zuneish device with WP7 looks might be good, ipad is an ipod which is a call-less iphone. Some continuity across devices might be good for microsoft

Looks to me like it would cause a bit more than temporary loss of eyesight.

Thing of the past *67, or just use a friends phone like I used to sometimes. The call back from the number can be even funnier than the prank sometimes