
Not currently. Trouble is that New Jersey acts as the manufacturer and supplier to New York City. We do the dirty work for them. It’s good for business and employs a lot of people, but it’s a dirty business and that may make it hard for us to comply without a huge economic hit.

The S2000 would be an awful car to learn in. The best method for learning was broadcast by Click ‘n Clack - just sit and release the clutch slowly enough that no gas is needed to move off. Do that a few times and you have the clutch engagement point down pat. Once you have the clutch engagement point, the rest is a

I just love that while the Justice Department and Trump are focused on California and their issues on preventing pollution with CARB, New York is buggering them with a double-team effort from the other coast. Go Team!

Jaguar XK-E Coupe

I love this color (aqua?) and Honda would do well to revive the seat cloth(s) they used in the past - they were always refreshing and durable. I would gladly swap whatever crap cloth they used in my 2013 Accord for what I see in these photos.

That sounds very much like the early ‘60s Daimler SP250. The Panamera looks only a little better.

One can dress both formally and comfortably. The very act of “dressing down” is a small, but significant, act of rebellion which doesn’t reflect favorably on the wearer.

If he noted that it was sarcasm (/s), it wouldn’t be as funny. He’s a risk taker!

It will probably turn up on Bonham’s as a “survivor” and fetch $1m the way that shit is going these days.

The couple in the car have a new ride, but are still unfulfilled. Been there. Wah.

Without a gun in the driver’s seat, that anorexic meth-head passenger would be laughable.

Thanks. I just blew my Chianti out my nose.


I was predicting that the sedan version would suck. My bad.

I’m with you, but the Grand Marquis de Sade rides like a truck compared with the Avalon. Great taxi though!

Yup - Toyota out-Buicked GM. Where are the cushy American cars? My bones ache just looking at Cadillacs these days. If my body sinks into the seat up to my neck and I get a little seasick on the BQE, I’m home, baby!

So true. While it is a classic, add in what it will cost for metal repair, new paint and then having to move to to a salt-free climate and you have a bad deal. Besides, this car was anything but sprightly in it’s day.

Funky as your link looks, it was a really satisfying click. Kudos!

Called and raised.

I can’t help but wonder about the shift to V6s in the exotic class. It isn’t about cost, obviously. Could it be packaging/weight or is it more about torque at low revs?