
Oh damn. Now I can’t jazz up my 1998 lunchbox with the latest grill? I quit!

Isn’t this car a wee bit aggressive looking for it’s target demographic?

I imagine that the emphasis is on “steel” while the frame-mount part is marketing fluff.


I grew up in nearby Suffolk County. It took until the ‘80s for us to adopt right-on-red. Once we did, I assumed that all of NY State did. Not only did I assume that, but I assumed and performed left-on-red when the streets concerned were both one way. I also pulled that shit in San Diego city proper. Thank God I was

Sadly, it’s not only states, but counties, cities and neighborhoods. I guess it’s ok thought, because if you put it up for a vote, the residents would likely whore themselves out for a factory and guaranteed jobs these days. Then they cry foul when the tax bill comes due.

It’s funnier that you can’t accept victory.

How do you (or I) bully someone with billions of bucks? After all, it’s unlikely that she will jump off Trump Tower while crying.

Now that Michael Wolff has reported that Ivanka (allegedly) made an agreement with her hubby Jared Kushner that she will run for President first after Dad has been hauled away to the funny farm retired, she has become a huge target. The lying media and pretty much all of the rest of us will hang onto her like pit

Unless you don’t want shit sliding around the back and begging to be stolen.

The California Highway Patrol would disagree with you. Perhaps this is how your “friend” was caught. He was probably carrying 3 passengers.

Premature. The other shoe might just drop on AMD.

An 11 second quarter was fast at any point in history. In the late “muscle car” ‘60s, a stock 13 second quarter was da schitt.

I’m pretty sure that it’s the opposite. White light breaks down into the colors of the rainbow when it passes through a prizm (not a GEO). A dark, black room has no light and hence no color.

I suppose that it’s kind of like drinking diet soda with a huge meal. You’re not saving much, but it’s something - and just might keep you from getting diabetes.

Apparently, 20,000 years is a really long time, evolutionarily (did I just invent a word?) speaking. Not only did “native” North Americans have red skin, but they grew much larger than the average Asian. For instance, Geronimo was said to have been well over 6 feet tall.

COTD candidate #2.

COTD candidate!

The dash cam owner was so shook up that he say “Screw this - I’m not gonna risk my life out here.” and used his feet.

Jesus, man - spellcheck! You don’t help your (yeah - that’s the correct spelling. “Your” is possessive. “You’re” is a contraction for “You are”. You can avoid my criticism by just using the idiot version - Ur) case with literal hack jobs.