
I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another you’ve been messing around with Russian hookers.

Funny you mention this since my guild mates and I have discussed this very thing. We’ve been playing WoW since launch at the end of 04 and we all still play it simply because of this fact: we all play it together.

I had some really good friendships back when I did MMOs, probably as deep as any of my IRL ones at the time. It’s nice being able to chat about things without fear of rumors or judgement.

Twenty years from now, nursing homes are going to have high speed internet and the oldsters will be gaming their wrinkled asses off. I imagine that the games of their youth will be a popular enough area for some of the big companies to support “classic” games. “Grandpa’s playing Doom and doesn’t want any help, but

I only played an MMO once in my life, devoting an entire month to the game. I literally had to wipe it off my hard drive so as to prevent myself from being totally addicted to it and having it suck my entire productive life away for good.

My mom played everything from Zork and other text-based RPGs (early memory is her using graph paper to chart dungeons) up through the Britannia and the Sierra games until they became more about reaction times and graphics than the game. I think maybe she played Diablo and that was the end.

I’ve tried and tried to get

When I’m old, I can’t wait to find a vanilla WoW server and finally dedicate as much time to the game as I’ve always wanted.

I don’t want to crack open my damn PS4.

Though I really don’t see how any of the DCU could stand up against the Blue Beetle in his true form:

There’s a magic solution to all of this... it’s called not playing with team chat enabled.

Oh please, every single competitive game has balance issues and exploits that the devs have to address. Overwatch is brilliant in most regards, but of course it’s going to have quirks.

...or edgier than thou shitheels who trash-talk their teammates during QP.