
Mine will most likely just be forgiven in about 18-23 years. At which point I’ll owe taxes on like $500k-$980k unless our tax laws change. Yay!

I’m using Acorns, but not doing the roundups anymore. Just doing $25 a week. Stash gets like $110 a week, with some of that going directly into investments, some into my cash reserves. Also got $25 a week going to Lending Club. All of this is to mostly pay off my credit card when my introductory period ends so I can

You sure she was in Homeworld? It’s not listed on her IMDB page.

Wait, I thought the Civil War had nothing to do with Slavery, and that Confederates aren’t racist, so why are they defacing monuments to slaves? I’m just so sure it doesn’t mean it was about Slavery and that they are racists. No, sir.

I wasn’t planning on supporting any candidate financially this early in the process, but I want to donate like $5 just to help get him to the debate.

While I’m a huge fan of carbon fiber, I don’t think it belongs on something like this, at least not on the outside. Even though this is a one-off concept vehicle that won’t actually see any trails or hard work, it should still be able to do so without it being so easy to cause pricey damage to it.

Looks wise this thing

10/10 would try.

Even though I never played DnD and mauve is definitely not my favorite color this comment still hit me hard and now I’m hurt, because I was guy girls thought was nice but wouldn’t go to dances with and rejected politely. 

I think he looks better without it. 

My dad has the same type of stache, but thankfully he never got rid of it. That would have been too weird for me. 

I’m not quite sure what you mean about the interior having a sense of humor. Could you explain? (not being sarcastic)

The back end sucks though. Just like the sedan, it looks like something from a domestic brand circa 2005. 

I was liking it until I saw the backed. Looks like something from domestic brands circa 2005.

I can’t get behind removing I-5 and rerouting it’s traffic to surface streets. Reroute it so it’s still I-5 maybe, but don’t make it have to stop - I love that we have a continuous, or basically continuous, highway from Canada all the way to Mexico that goes right through my hometown (not Portland, but it’s definitely

She didn’t bring up the groups of people doing stupid shit on dirt bikes, OP did, so respond to OP. Oh, but wait, you’re a racist fuck so you responded to her instead.

Hah, I got out of the grays in 2-3 months, put back in the grays 7 months later (still not sure why), and then back out of the grays within 40 days. :)

It seems pretty clear to me that the district is doing the right thing here. They can’t just fire him without an investigation. That would cost them a lot of money. 

I figure if I end up with a black car, the amount of car washes I haven’t used in the past 18 years will make up for the extra car washes I need for that car.

Are you British? I ask both because you seem to know a lot about the goings on over there, and because you have both cream and wobbly in your user name.