
What does licencing have to do with it? There’s no way they didn’t have the license to the old design, it’s the same basic companies doing the new show. Or do you mean they wanted to change it to keep copyright over it? The way Disney kept redesigning Mickey Mouse? If that’s the case they could have done a much

Sometimes. This is not one of those times. Learn how long your car is and learn to leave the appropriate amount of space, not 6-15 feet. Or suffer the consequences of being a douchebag. 

The beginning of the follow up made me realize how wordy the guy is, lol.

I moved to LA by myself, like a big boy, thanks.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be a long piece, but the man is wordy. And since I’ve been on the internet regularly since I turned about 13 or so, my attention span is damn short these days, so I wan’t shorter pieces god dammit.

I’m not on any candidates side. I voted for Bernie in the primaries, and voted for Hilary in the general election. I don’t think Bernie looks as good as he did back then, but thus far none of the candidates on the left have grabbed me.

I’m working through the article you linked to, and so far the language the author

I can’t get behind her at this point because of her record here in CA. I’m thus far not for anyone.

I mean, the the quote Spinter itself used clearly indicates that he didn’t mean it as a retort to Black Lives Matter. 

I think the context in which he said it indicates pretty damn well that he didn’t mean it as a retort to “black lives matter.” So much so that this really should be a nonissue. 

Has there ever been an explanation as to why the fuck they redesigned the Klingons? I hate it so much. I don’t understand why they did it at all.

Try living in Ktown with street only parking. I just drive by the place and understand why their doing it. 

Same. I never see any parking open in the apartment parts of Ktown. If it was this or park a mile from my place, I’m doing this, lol. 

These are street parking near apartments. Seemingly every space seems to be taken when I drive by that area at any time of the day. If you don’t have a lot and your only option is street parking, you could be forced to park so far from your place that it takes you longer to walk to your car than to drive to work in

What does the headline have to do with it? Asano discussed the line in the “article” asking whether one would put scrambled eggs on a burger. That has nothing to do with the headline either way, but it was in the article and thus is a valid thing to comment on.

I heard a story on NPR a couple months ago that was about a story where one guy claimed that he falsified the first paper about how MSG was bad which started the entire trend of hating on MSG. But then they found there really was a doctor with the name he claims he made up, who worked at a place he said he made up.

I found out from a server/bartender friend that this Italian place (Terroni) offers all their employees benefits that no other place I’ve personally heard of does. It definitely makes me want to go there. I just haven’t found the occasion yet, but my mom and I are going next week when she’s in town.

Well if more people can get their order in, then they will likely get their order faster. Many things can be done at once on the grill, etc.

So, yeah, if I see you left a 10 foot gap that is preventing me from ordering, I’m going to be ticked.

I think what you need is to not have a terrorist living in your house. 

It looks like she added a bunch of stuff without permits. It’s not about what was already there. You can tell by looking at Zillow that much of what you see in your cover photo is new.

I’m with Jason or Kristen’s suggestions, but I object to Kristen’s pumpkin spice comment. That stuff is horrible. A Miata is not.

Also, why only three suggestions today? Don’t you usually have 4? 

Now I’m wondering if my normally pretty good tipping dad tipped these vendors properly back in the day. Thanks for making me evaluate my father! Bah!