
The minimum wage was designed to be able to take care of a family of three pretty much anywhere, and the reason states and even some cities made their own higher minimum wages than the federal was so that if they had such cities you could still support said family on minimum wage.

You second paragraph is just nonsense.


So much this!

My mom supported herself and paid for college in the late 60's early 70's earning minimum wage in Portland Oregon. It wasn’t until the mid 70's to the early 80's that we stopped raising it properly.

You might have some good points regarding monetary policy (I’m certainly not an expert and can’t really argue one way or

Oh, no, my friend was talking about maximum wages back in 2005 so I’m sure there’s stuff to read about the topic.

Oh I know, but I don’t want to even drive another one, lol.

Would they really teach you? Also, I read that article about dealers a few months ago and all the comments from people who work or have worked at dealers and wouldn’t do this to someone. No test drive unless I think I’m going to buy. I know you were probably

I hope it hits at least $90 so I can make like $20, lol.

I don’t work voluntarily. I work so I can not starve to death or die of some easily treatable disease on the streets.

You don’t need a CDL to drive either in some states, especially not an ambulance or fire truck, as exceptions are carved out for emergency services. 

Agree with the minimum wage part. Not sure I agree on salary caps, but I haven’t read up on them much. 

There also used to be a minimum wage that meant if you worked 40 hours a week at that wage you could afford an apartment or your own house. But we stopped raising the minimum wage properly.

As a person who uses Lyft/Uber a lot, often so I can have the option of having a drink: I totally agree. I think Taxi prices were too much, but Uber/Lyft prices are probably too little. I’d love it if there was better public transportation for me in the part of LA I live in. Right now it takes about 4 times longer to

I take Uber/Lyft 10 plus times a week and when I ask it’s usually about 50% full timers 50% part timers. Maybe closer to 60% part timers. I know, just anecdotal evidence.

False. We’ve had the minimum wage for over 50 years and it originally provided people with livable wages.

Also failed history. 

Hey dumbfuck with the personal insults: the minimum wage used to do exactly that: provide a living wage.

I disagree. You should be able to make at least $50k in NYC, San Francisco, and LA doing any job full time so you can afford a small studio apartment or half of a two bedroom, at least. Minimum wage was originally supposed to be an amount that you could properly support a family of 3 or 4 off of. I think when we say

Ugh. I agree with your points, but at the same time Uber and Lyft are really helpful to me personally in a couple ways, and I just put in $200 via Stash hoping to make a profit off of Lyft. So far I’ve lost around $6 but I don’t think that will last too long.

The entire idea of the minimum wage when we came up with it was to provide a living wage. Only in the last 50 years or so has that gone to not being the case and people thinking that minimum wage jobs should just be for students that are getting support from mom and/or dad. 

I have a regular auto Corolla now. Even though newer ones, especially with better trims and options, are a lot nicer than mine, I am not getting another one for at least 20 years. Only reason I have this one is because my dad got sick and didn’t need it. Would never have picked it on my own. 

I never knew that! Good to know!