William Cail

not even gonna address that because it’s ludicrous. Those three things combined are missing close to 1500 games.

There are hundreds of NES and SNES games that are essentially just GONE outside of illegal ROMs because big corporations don’t care about preserving art, they care about $$$.

The preferred nomenclature isn’t “anti-vax”, it’s “pro-disease”!

These bigots are exhausting. 

Not sure about your dad’s cousin’s orientation, but I know *gay* people that defended Trump prior to the election as an ally of gay rights. In the end their fear/racism won out over any sort of objective position on the information in front of them.

If only Death Note was real...

You might be onto something there.

I’m starting to think this Mitch McConnell guy is a bit of conscience-free, partisan, hate-filled asshole.

‘The Trump administration has sued California for restoring net neutrality after the FCC struck it down last year.’

Erm... both Sony and Microsoft literally have similar policies in place for their free games.