William Cail

Odd the last Japanese video game sales chart 29 out of the top 30 games are for the Switch.

There are people are willing to spend 70 USD on an two year old Marvel superhero game.

Oh another toxic gamer gatekeeper defending his king. 

Nah I blame Tyler who can't be an adult for once in his life. 

You’re toxic dude broness is showing. So are you going to say that video games aren't for women?

Ninja is an aging dude bro that can't handle bring around the opposite sex/gender. He needs to grow up himself. 

Um Activision does release games for the Switch. Crash and Spyro trilogies are available for the Switch. Crash Team Racing is available. Diablo III is also available.

I find it weird that people believes in the so called cancel culture. People using cancel culture as an excuse for not taking responsibility for one's actions. 

Monster Hunter probably going to get dump onto VOD, have discs press for Redbox kiosks and quickly forgotten. 

Kyle fired upon UNARMED people. How hard is that for you to understand that.

Street Fighter 1 is available on the Street Fighter Collection for PS4 Xbox1 and Switch 

Supporting domestic terrorism isn't cool. 

ROMS aren't legal. Only deadbeats who don't want to pay for games says ROMs are legal 

Oh look someone refused to understand how copyright works. 

The Piracy excuse is valid. 

No Nintendo is protecting their IP. 

Motion Control for a point and click game? Horrible. I hope that will get dropped for the Switch port. .

It's an old Power PC Mac pre 3G CPU. 

Nintendo does gives two shits.