
Only difference is that Jordan usually follows that by muttering to himself “I can still take him, though”

It was undoubtedly the rich guy and, without any suggestion or coaching by my attorney, I also want to say that I am 99% certain that he was acting within the scope of his duties as an employee such that his employer, who happens to have a ten-figure net worth, may be liable for his actions.

Now, tell me again—was it this man with an 8-figure net worth who hit you, or his broke-on-paper friend?

NFL doctors agree the two men are not suffering from concussions.

Agreed. It’s obvious the sons love their dad and he loved them. The common thread was always the Packers, and it’s pretty clear they loved sharing that with their dad. God forbid a guy gets excited about something. Even if my own opinion is that sports heroes are weird after about age 25-30, this guy found happiness

I loved how he ended it like a douche.
“then that’s pathetic...my happiest moments? my friends, travel, thins I experienced...my teams winning titles wouldn’t even be in the appendix of my life.”
This guy probably spent Sundays with his friends and family, he clearly spent time with his kids about it. Travel? That’s

publicly funded stadium that took away money from education and things that actually matter

I really want to snark this because I know it’s ridiculous, but I live in Green Bay and I just can’t. It’s honest and silly and clearly describes what most of us feel as Packer fans in WI. Good for this family for doing something different as a goodbye to their dad.

Now playing

You want a good mindfuck of a rabbit hole? Watch this and then just keep digging:

one of the cooler things WWF sold back in the day:

A lot of those old-school guys are still alive. Bruno is still alive. Pedro Morales. Larry Henning. Ivan Koloff. Putski. Billy Graham. Stan Hansen. Harley Race.

Bockwinkel and Verne Gagne died just last year.

It was the 80s that killed a lot of mothas. Roids, pills, and other insane shit.

Also not sure acting like a human battering ram for four years counts as a “free ride.”

Isn’t it amazing how many people think and act as if 1965 was THOUSANDS of years ago?

another man arrived to assist Revis.

From one island to another, Rikers formally welcomes Mr. Revis

“I’m interested in a powerful position in government and I’m willing to bribe you with a baseball team.”

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. A suspension is definitely going to happen. Never hit an official, and even though it doesn’t seem like much, those sticks can do damage.

Come on, now.

He’s well within the rules to do that. Cut the man some slacks.

What an asshole.

This is a cultural issue. Where young is from having multiple partners isn’t a big deal.