I thought they were a different species, but they apparently are the same species - just a separate sub-species. The ones I’ve seen in Canada grow to be much larger.
I thought they were a different species, but they apparently are the same species - just a separate sub-species. The ones I’ve seen in Canada grow to be much larger.
European moose are different than North American moose.
What if you have no friends?
That was god damn awful.
And then we’d have to build more freeways around there to handle the traffic.
Show some goddamn class, Bakelants. Who do you think you are, the President of the United States?
Not sure its necessary to insert in the article.
And now starts the beginning of a new curse.
This English muffin could be the toast of the tourney.
Double stuf were introduced in the 70s. They are garbage, but don’t blame the 90s.
They really should let these people wear themselves out first, yanking at a door thats never gonna open.
I’m not sure “everybody pray” is a calming message coming from the cockpit.
Others have already pointed out that the jail penalties described aren’t accurate. But also keep in mind the Norwegian concept of jail is a far more humane and reasonable system than what Americans know of.
Next season on Tattoo Nightmares...
They could come up through Mexico and get as far north as Iowa, try to split us in half, but we’ll hold them at the Rockies and the Mississippi.
SO bad. You gotta love all the old guys that show the ship for tour groups slow-mo walking out of nowhere and being all “What do you need, Son.”
Because he wouldn’t have an NBA coaching gig if he wasn’t willing to put up with the shit they make him eat.
Peter Thiel. (Can I even write that here?)
And now they just gave Jordan Bell to Golden State for cash.
Fifteen minutes ago I said its arguably the worst front office in the league, but I guess they wanted that honor hands down.