
Probably a used purchase from the rental company’s inventory.

That handgun shifter just seems like a good way to get shot by a cop.

Gibson was one of my favorite Bulls players of this era. I’m watching OKC just hoping to see some of his usual Taj magic, and then he does THAT. Good on him.

From what I hear from other friends in the biz, there is a duplicate set of cards, for right and left stage managers.

From what I understand, it doesn’t go on prompter. Only the cards.

Real means legitimate in this case, you should know that unless you are a moron. They aren’t legitimate. Anyone can make a flag and stick a candidate’s name on it.

Casey Affleck - actor from New England with no emotional range - plays an emotionally detached janitor from New England. This does not deserve an Oscar. Are we supposed to be impressed he remembered his lines?

How is Dev Patel a supporting actor? He was the lead character. Because a little kid plays the young version

Thanks for proving both my points. Its not official and you’re not good with facts.

Harvard of the Midwest my ass.

Capturing the Confederate flag is the patriotic duty of all Americans.

That’s a fake of course, but you’re probably not good with facts.

These are the kind of people that complain about Sharia Law.

Just cut his ass. Their gonna spend too much effort trying to trade him, probably miss on signing the QB they need, and end up keeping him another year. Just commit to a Cutlerless future and DO IT. Goddamn Cheapass McCaskeys.

Well, that’s gonna keep him outta the HOF.

Saving 23 seconds per game. What will I do with all that spare time??


I say this as an alcoholic: Dudes who show up to work on Monday with strange bruises, scrapes, or bumps on thier faces, and blame it on chocking on a pretzel, are definitely still drinking.

And we tested a couple tridents early this morning.

Russians don’t take a dump without a plan.

Fuck Jerry Sandusky with a rusty tire iron.