Wayne Train

Using her name is despicable. I'm done with you.

First, why would Winston's lawyer think to look for the report? Is he Marty Singer, on retainer for celebrities in the habit of raping people? Her lawyer having the report proves nothing, as she knew she made it, and it doesn't vindicate deliberately passing it to defense counsel before police interviewed the

you make some good points, but i 100% disagree with this: "Say what you will about the wisdom of Winston's statement, he in no way diminished anybody's suffering."

You don't know what conjecture means. How many police reports get forwarded, via the ad, to the accused's lawyer before the prosecutor's office sees it! You wonder why he didn't think he could get reasonable doubt - there was no chance to interview the roommates before Winston's lawyer wrote their affidavits!

Kinja ate my reply, but, quickly, the university police forwarded the complaint to the AD, which got to Winston's lawyer likely thru the AD, who had the roommates sign affidavits backing Winston's version of events. This compromised the investigation from word go.

from the fox sports investigation:

The fact that the police and FSU athletic department protected Winston at every turn, which is why the state's attorney decided he couldn't prove guilt no that he didn't believe it, is part of the reason why Winston has not right to claim to be victimized at all, let alone on the level of someone who has been

Let's hear it from the horse's mouth. Sounds like a sorry anyone was offended (which is bad enough) that Belmar took in a self serving way. The other news is the team won't actually do anything otherwise.

Someone decided this is why Truman beat Dewey in 1948, and that was that.

what is embarrassing here? Once the NCAA concluded it had jurisdiction, the position should have been to start from the harshest penalty Penn State's conduct warranted and negotiate down, which was the death penalty. penn state's lawyer remained free to disagree and roll the dice. The final outcome was fine,

Should still play . . . His heel is better. Besides, top of the table clash, and if no Zlatan magic, at least Zlatan reaction gifs

PSG v Marseilles BeIN, 3pm. Zlatan!

agreed. These emails showed two people inside the NCAA held different opinions, not that it was absolutely the case the NCAA was "bluffing." Could the university have brought suit? Maybe! That doesn't mean the NCAA didn't have jurisdiction, and the acceptance of sanctions doesn't mean the by laws were clear

Not one of those descriptions is accurate. Her version was painfully slow, and overly dramatically breathy. As the finale shows, it was not in her vocal range one bit. A good way to tell that it's not in her range was she couldn't land on the notes comfortably.

I'm a graduate of this school. For background, it's where Mike Pettine, Sr. (Father of the Browns coach) built a dynasty, fifty plus straight wins. Jim O'Neil, the Browns DC was my classmate. The town itself is a Martha Stewart fantasy come alive, but for a long time, when it came to football, it was like rural