Perhaps. It's better for people who can charge at home and save lots of time. These times are what to expect on road trips, assuming that you leave home with a full charge and stop for 10 or 20 minutes on a long trip.
Perhaps. It's better for people who can charge at home and save lots of time. These times are what to expect on road trips, assuming that you leave home with a full charge and stop for 10 or 20 minutes on a long trip.
The way it works is that you plug in at home, and when you use the car, it will have a completed charge. Generally it will happen in the middle of the night for an hour. f you are planning a road trip, you set charging to 100%. When you take the trip, you’ll start with 520 miles of range. A 20 minute charge 400 miles…
It goes both ways. Costco will sell a TV with a model number that differs by one character, might have one extra feature or minor improvement, and be competitively priced. There’s no way to comparison shop by model number, and a corporate website won’t help.
According to my washing machine manufacturer, you should not put things like rubber backed rugs in the washing machine. The water cannot go through the rubber during the spin cycle and you can do permanent damage to the support springs.
They made a video where they put cones on each side so the car couldn’t change course, and had the driver press down on the accelerator, causing a warning that AEB won’t work. Then they made the video too low resolution to read screen, but it’s easy to determine that the message is there.
It was fast for a car that existed where there were no paved roads, where high ground clearance was needed, and where most modern cars wouldn't stand a chance because they'd be stuck in the mud, bottom out, stand no chance of driving where there's a sudden one foot elevation on one side or where a modern car would get…
People in Europe and other places who say that they can always spot an American tourist because they do those things will rarely even notice an American tourist unless they do those things.
I remember when my wife got a job and the company wanted to see the diploma itself. My wife hadn't seen it since before we were married, and it was in her brother's house in a closet somewhere. It was a real pain to find.
That doesn’t tell the whole story. I have three toilets, five sinks, three tubs, and three showers. But in two of the bathrooms, the tub has a shower head above it. In one of the bathrooms, the tub and shower are separate, and there’s a WC as this article calls it. It also has a big walk in closet. Merely counting…
While I’m all in favor of the Metric system for most things, and see it as an advantage, this is the one place where it fails. Everything else is based on consistency and is easy to convert, such as volume of water (or liquids in general, more or less) to dimensions. But basing C on when water freezes or boils isn’t…
People already know that 0 C is 32 F. So if you want to remember a handful of numbers, 10 C is 50 F. 20 C is 68 F. 30 C is 86 (i.e. flip the two digits) and 40 is 104 F. Now you’ve covered much of the range of normal human temperatures, and anything in between is easy to extrapolate. A ten degree C difference is an 18…
People might want to use something else because it’s tailored to the car. If I want to take a trip, I might want the navigator to find the best route, select charging spots, tell me how much and how long I’d need to charge at each location, and tell me how much battery life I will have at the end of the trip.
The article starts off by implying that if a car has Android Auto, you are stuck with all Google components, which would explain why my car lacks it. But it goes on to say that it really means that you can’t remove anything from Android Auto, not that you can’t have anything else. So a car maker can have its own…
If you refrigerate peanut butter, the oil doesn’t separate. Otherwise you get an inch of oil on top with a thick sludge on the bottom that’s too thick to stir.
It’s already a thing of the past for many people. What generation do you think was entering the workforce when Congress changed the laws to firm up pension plans, that caused companies to stop offering them? At least half of all boomers, with the exception of government workers, came along too late for pension plans,…
When I was young, there was no shortage of old people complaining how bad my whole generation was. It was stupid then and is stupid now. It has nothing to do with generation. Every generation has stupid people. The best and brightest of today's youth will be running the world in a matter of decades, and I have a…
No, nightshade isn't extremely poisonous. Deadly nightshade is. But other members of the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, aren't poisonous and are eaten regularly.
Actually, the definition of planet goes way further back than that, to long before those scientific groups existed. Language was already in place, and words already had definitions. They don't own English and never had the authority to redefine common words in the first place. Pluto met the ordinary language…
It can also help to set the same DHCP address range. I found that some devices (in my case, wall switches) worked fine if I did that, but when the range was different, I had to go through the configuration of each one again. Perhaps powering off the house and turning it back on again would have helped, but setting the…
You probably won’t feel a difference on a 100 degree day. You don’t in a Tesla.