“We were in deep, man,” says Blaine Boyer without the slightest touch of irony.
“We were in deep, man,” says Blaine Boyer without the slightest touch of irony.
Adam LaRoche to Sex Trafficker: “But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.”
Adam LaRoche isn’t like other professional athletes.
I fully support Benzies in this... unless R* decides to release RDR for PC. If that happens, then I fully support R*.
Dom losing his wife and sacrificing himself. The ending of the third game. A lot of fans found these things emotional.
If you’re not coordinated enough to run on the sidewalk, go to the gym or buy a treadmill.
Why would a car driving on the sidewalk bother pedestrians? It's dangerous and completely unnecessary.
This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Fuck street runners. “Oh the road is softer on my feet!” No, I hate you.
That’s what I want. A truck that doesn’t apologize.
It’s all about Alien vs. Predator, man.
How in the hell is not a balk!?
Still trying to figure out how that’s not a balk?
Not going to say anything positive about Wrigley and its patrons, but the Cell is a shithole. No personality whatsoever. It was the last cookie-cutter stadium built before the movement to make stadiums unique architecturally and they didn't even do us the courtesy of having the city skyline as the backdrop of the…
Plus, you only have to buy one ticket, but have hundreds of seats to choose from.
To echo others, the Cell is also a drunken shitshow. I did some work there (even got to go on the roof) and they have a surprisingly large area dedicated to the Chicago PD complete with benches and rails to handcuff the bad apples.
You don't go to that many Sox games, then. I've seen more fistfights at nighttime Sox games than I did at mid 1980's Yankees games.
Every single time I've gone to the Cell, I've seen a drunken brawl. Every time.
Also, the Cell isn't a drunk shitshow like Wrigley is.