Way to go, Nuffle

@Stevox: That's a fantastic 'shop.

It's full of trees!

@FriedPeeps: For keeping a level-head, you get a heart click.

Somebody comes out with an actual improvement to battery technology, and because it's Microsoft, nearly every post is a rip of some sort? Why? It's much better to see actual battery improvement than continuous failed R&D or vaporware.

I thought you meant this Gearbox, which is NOT a new start-up.

@ModernBawhair: The other hole in pixelsnader's argument is that both MS and Sony have said they expect the current gen consoles to last about 10 years.

@Dacker: As far as I'm aware, almost all big companies do this. HP (at least in Boise) is especially guilty of this.

@AdamKaoru: From every report I've read...

Now playing

Here's the only video I'm aware of (ever) of a nuclear artillery shell.

@Tycho Vhargon: Anyone that's familiar with any kind of mosquito death device gets a heart-click from me.


@Yinzers Are People Too: Seriously? It's from the same movie. Remember when he gets plowed into the water by a truck driver and has to have 1/5 of his body replaced?

@tomsomething: That's such a terrible thing for you to say. This situation is far too serious for cracks like that.

Didn't people really like the d-pad for gaming?

So... you're saying can't get the new Droid or Evo?