
As I’m comforting my Muslim spouse as she sobs about what this means for her, I don’t have time for nausea. I just want her to be okay. I want to live in a place where an interfaith lesbian couple with disabilities aren’t seen as the enemy. I’m tired of our lives hanging in the balance every goddamn election because

White chocolate? I should flag your post as offensive.

but the changes to the smaller one — which is sold mainly in Britain at the discount retailer Poundland

Apparently she got into an argument with her assailant before the incident. Local news affiliates are saying the woman in custody has a history of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

You know who scares the shit out of me? The wild gesticulators. Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to suddenly thrust your arm into the air while telling your stupid story on a crowded train platform? I swear, more than people who suddenly stop walking in pedestrian traffic, more than the four-across “Melrose

My biggest fear is watching someone fall or get pushed onto the tracks, cause you can bet your ass I’m standing WAY BACK away from that yawning hole of death.

Agreed. As a NYer I always look around as the train pulls in since this is my nightmare.

Jesus, this, next to terrorism, is my biggest fear in NYC. I always stand far back from the yellow line when the train is coming in and try to stand near a pillar (because I think that I could grab onto it. I probably couldn’t. But. You know).

You’re saying the sushi I was about to order from Craiglist might not be healthy?

I’ve been following this since it broke on Thursday and this guy is all kinds of “lock him up and throw away the key”. His own father thought he was a lost cause after the first rape. However, his mother wrote a letter to the judge asking for no prison time, citing the fact that he walked his rape victim home showed

So first you scold us for gawking at the spectacle, going so far as to compare it to staged dogfighting...

Yeah, because humans are so much better than other animals. People who think like you are the reason we’re killing the planet.

I agree, I much prefer watching ostrich videos.

Yes, nature is brutal. But what is even more interesting about this video clip (in which, you might be pleased to know, no penguin murder occurs) is the universal themes of infidelity, jealousy, humiliation, and eventual acceptance and healing.

I prefer to go by his government name: Buzz Killington.

You’re a hero bro. Let me pin a gold star to your chest and salute you.

I don’t pretend to know the whole story here, but what a bitch.

Love this movie. I particularly enjoy the clever modern adaptation (Longsword is the name of a gun, for example and “Prince” is the head of police) and I ADORE the opening spiel where it starts as a newscaster as Chorus and goes to the priest doing the intro.

Say what you will about the movie, but that soundtrack is KILLER.

But since it was written fuck Brad Pitt, it wouldn’t be shade right? Shade has to leave you guessing.