I have no doubt he’s Sinatra’s kid. Look at him, the proof is in the pudding.
Maybe the problem is that you’re comparing it to the book. Maybe you’d feel differently if you never read the book and judged the movie on its own merits.
His take is completely different from the novel, and yeah, Kubrick was a fucked up guy IRL. But you cannot say The Shining is bad movie. Fuck no. That shit is a cinematic masterpiece.
A close male friend of mine was expecting a baby with his wife (the baby has since been born), so obviously I very excited for them. That is, until, I made the mistake of befriending his wife on Facebook and seeing her rant against how the government wants us to put “unnecessary chemicals” in our babies with vaccines.…
You’re probably right, so I guess we’re screwed either way. I’m just especially put off by evangelicals. I just have trouble accepting anyone who does not believe in evolution.
Its not an odd defense, because Trump would never force women to have funerals for aborted babies or forced gay people into “conversion therapy”. Evangelical politicians are the scariest bigots around.
“Although I’m sure his replacement would be almost as bad so it’s cold comfort at best.”
And emojis. Don’t forget emojis.
I’ve read this many times, but does it matter which end you run to? I’d be terrified to run towards the tunnel to the end of the platform, only to see the lights of a train coming towards me at full speed.
yes, its very scary here in new york. don’t come here, stay right where you are.
lame response!
You have no idea how much I live for the version of “Angel” by Gavin Friday that is on that soundtrack.
Same here. My husband & I are making a decision to be childless, but sometimes the idea the of my best friend having a kid scares the shit out of me for that very reason.
Going by your name and everything you said, I think we’re secretly best friends.
“It has nothing to do with the breasts but rather the sexualization of them that’s the issue.”
“If she was going to an adult party, ok, whatever.”
Hey! The Knot has a very helpful wedding timeline checklist thing. That will give you a template of sorts for you to follow. My best friend is currently planning her wedding and a lot of the things on that list dont apply to her, so it really depends on what kind of wedding you want.
This is so true. I went to a Chipotle in midtown because I was craving guacamole and chips, and the guac was obscenely salty. It was so salty I had to throw it away. I was pretty angry about that for like, 15 minutes.