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Ask and you shall receive! I’m actually surprised Jezebel didn’t post this, considering the makeup reviewer in the video below not only aired out all of Jeffree’s racist and misogynistic statements, but she post screenshots, video clips, etc to back up all her claims (along with links to everything at the bottom!) Kat

I understand that, but I was specifically responding to “Yeah, this is why POC shouldn’t date white people.”

He might think he’s clearing his name by posting the receipts on the internet (which he kinda did I guess, Nostro seems shady af) but what homie doesn’t realize is he’s stooping down to her level in the process.

Oh please. You’re painting with a broad stroke. It’s not like there’s no truth in what you’re saying, but don’t hate on all biracial couples. These were just two idiots in a shitty, violent relationship fueled by too many drugs. I know tons of POC who date white people and they’re totally fine and in love. Maybe I’ll

you’re the only one on her talking #truths.

Both 30 Seconds to Mars and Taylor Swift make garbage music. There’s no winners in that story.

eh. while she has nice intentions, I hate that it contributes to the idea that women shouldn’t wear makeup. women should do whatever the fuck they want.

Sorry for assuming you “love” beyonce - I saw a bunch of your comments defending her and considering this is Jezebel, I made a small assumption.

Here, rather than get mad at all the people who dare not to be in love with Beyonce and have substantial criticism of her, maybe read this and gain a fresh perspective:

You cannot deny that she was comfortably silent for years. Police brutality is nothing new.

Well, no one is saying that you actually look indistinguishable from a child when you shave. That would be ridiculous. What they’re saying is - you’re removing your pubic hair and now your crotch mimics that of a prepubescent child.

He was also the star of arguably one of the most underrated movies of this year, Green Room.

Masculine is not a gender identity. Its a description, like saying short or sporty. No one is saying being masculine or not wearing makeup makes you less of a woman. Masculine and Feminine have no baring on gender identity, but they exist in our world, so stop being so obtuse.

Who says you have to be feminine to be considered a woman? Having masculine attributes DOES NOT MEAN you’re a male. Amy was referring to the gender roles that ALREADY EXIST, not endorsing them. So stop acting like you dont know the difference between “masculine” and “feminine” or that they dont exist. They have no

You’re purposely being obtuse. Yes, short hair is masculine. It has no say on a person’s gender identity, but stop acting like you cant tell the difference between whats considered “masculine” and “feminine”. Put it this way: Masculine DOES NOT mean Male.

You know damn well what masculine in our society means. And just because one says “masculine” that does not mean “male”.



I know. I know. I consider myself pretty desensitized when it comes to internet horror stories, but that sentence made me physically gag.

Just wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I love Mark Romanek and his work. Shout out to him for being a decent human being as well.