
Well that’s not really comparable because sex trade is regarded as degrading. An equivalent to that (for me at least) would be if I had to scrub toilets at McDonald’s. I would consider that degrading work. The point they were trying to make is, there’s different types of work that are considered degrading but some are

Are you talking about the bike dude or Cesar Milan?

Sounds like the guy on the bike is a dick, not Cesar Milan.

I hear that, but that's a different problem. My problem is demonizing pot or parents who smoke pot. I don't think this article is about self-medicating at all.

Well, personally I do well for myself. I live in NYC, I have a great career, healthy relationships, etc... and I smoke pot every day when I come home from work to unwind. I’m still able to carry on with the rest of my day (cook, run errands, etc). I know plenty of people that do the same, and some of them are parents.

Weed IS therapeutic.

Um, all your friends are lazy losers and it has nothing to do with weed.

idk, I’m pretty successful career-wise, I live in NYC, I have healthy relationships... and I smoke some pot when I come home from work everyday to unwind.

you're probably a boring ass uptight parent

Don’t compare drinking to smoking pot. They are miles away from each other. Tons of people can smoke pot and operate regularly.

Nope, I don’t think she got where she is today by only her looks. Luck, good timing and her father’s wealth certainly helped too.

and we can criticize her whenever we want. See how it's a two way street?

no. shut up

I disagree. She IS hurting other people but perpetuating the idea that a woman’s worth is solely based on her looks. If you don't understand how that is hurtful to our culture, then I don't know what to tell you.

lol @ the pathetic white knight you are, riding in to save a shitty celebrity.

Yes, we can feel whatever way we want. She can make all the money she wants but that doesn't protect her from criticism.

Relax you Outrage Queen. She wasn’t victim blaming, she was explaining that she didn’t think any guy would come on to her bc she’s not a “sex kitten”. She was putting herself down.

lol you totally read that comment and thought OMG SO TRUE and now you won’t accept any other argument.

Keyword: “Hollywood Version”

“If, as Johnson says, we shouldn’t judge a performance on physical likeness, then why couldn’t Saldana have embodied Nina Simone without the cartoonish makeup?”