
No one in Hollywood should shock you. Especially anyone so far in.

John Cho introduced it in that movie, so we should ask him.

Bless this for being the most-upvoted comment.

Absolutely, and it goes to show character > plot (> other elements), every time. You can write something with great characters and a so-so plot and it will endure for decades. A great plot with shitty characters is pretty quickly forgotten.

Bless you. Also lol.

Sounds like it's Engaland or some similar commie nation

Seriously, where are the spoilers? I search and search and still nothing

It can pay for crucial medical care later in life.

I laff'd.

Bisexual Steve Rogers is the hero we deserve, etc etc

God it's so embarrassing

A marketing contrivance? Really? How exactly do you figure?

insisting that Elsa should be given a girlfriend by popular demand is not so different than insisting that ghostbusting ought to be a male profession

These lies.

More like the angrier he gets, the STRONGER he gets. His physical size varies only slightly.

But when is Hulk gonna start speaking in sentences so we can have Planet Hulk :(

remember when the Phoenix takes flight on Earth and they show everyone nearby/psi-sensitive on Earth reacting, including, for a brief moment, DOCTOR STRANGE??

First Class, and McAvoy and Fassbender, really nailed the Xavier/Magneto frenemyship (even though it supposedly took place over a week or whatever…), and did it so well that it almost made up for the rest of the movie, which was generally terrible.

I'm a Marvel Studios shill, full disclosure, but Civil War really did have some of the best comic-booky action on screen, IMO. I counted at least two Fastball Specials!

I especially like those really meaningful films about wealthy men suffering midlife crises and general ennui in suburbia.