
I do.

Well, I mean, Coogler IS a warrior-king scientific genius with ninja assassin skills and a vibranium cat costume, so this makes sense.

There was dead silence for a while until a clearly-drunk Chris Evans hollered "suuuuure!"

Clark Gregg is the worst part of the show.

Not a railing death, but in the spirit of a railing death.

Maybe if your show sucked less

Yes. A lot of people pay for porn.

Erotic fiction should be right up your alley, no? Or even comics/manga.

Loved that Ward died again. I wouldn't mind them bringing him back from time to time to find more ways to kill him.

Also, intimacy in porn bugs me on a primal level.

You can find both in amateur porn if you just do a little looking.

Some of us played it at age eight, gramps! Months and months of Blockbuster rentals.

It's more accurate to the Japanese version, I guess. But so is "Tina" instead of "Terra" and "Kain" being pronounced "Kine."

Also, amateur porn is superior. It's proven by science.

Hey porn guy, going forward, you could enjoy the many pleasures of amateur porn! The ones that don't require payment, I mean.

Remember what an anticlimax it was when Rydia learned Meteo and could just cast it like it wasn't a thing? (even though it took forever) Didn't even drain her HP.

Too right.

Dany just learned Fire 3* last episode tho, so it's clear she'll learn Flare, Merton, and maybe even Ultima before the series end. Along with her three Bahamuts that she can summon infinitely, the White Walkers have no chance at all. They should have thought about that before they had an elemental weakness.


You got your logical statements mixed up, honey.