
Sanders shot back: “It’s not a business!”

Is it as sad as hearing people attack “the media” as though it is some kind of monolithic entity with a political agenda? Don’t we get enough of that bullshit from the Right? Why are we falling for that nonsense here?

see the problem is definition of “your own”. Once you get past the immediate family group you start running into things likes “tribes”, “races”, and “religions”. See the problem.

If Rand was a true libertarian, he wouldn’t have called the police. Instead, he would have used private security or solved their differences with a duel.

Kelly is an objectively awful person, but expressing joy that he’ll get brutally raped in prison is pretty fucking sadistic. Sexual violence in prisons, and the enabling of it, hurts way more people than just those who you deem “deserving”. And in any case, perhaps we as a society should hope that no one is ever

Well I guess you must feel better about your purchasing choices now that they changed it. 

Okay I know I risk the wrath of the Bey-Hive but Jon Favreau directed Elf & Iron man & was heavily involved with the MCU. He’s an accomplished actor and director. I think his career can stand on it’s own without Ms. Knowles-Carter’s input. I know it’s Beyonce’s world and we are all just living in it but stop.

Both of these games appeal to me more than Borderlands

This is an argument that is lost on the most fervent supporters of policies like this, because to them, how could anyone want to live and be anywhere other than the United States? The same logic that makes them think that people are just coming here to somehow steal all our social services and live of the government

A concentration camp is not the same thing as a prison nor a detention center. It’s quite literally a camp with concentrated populations of a minority group without the resources available to serve those people’s basic needs. There is no aspect of the definition that includes rounding people up, but it is true also

i don’t know if you wear it, but underwear is pretty easy to move out of the way.

Sadly, lots of the people who like this shit are still 12 on the inside.

Every major game company has made shitty games and huge mistakes. It has absolutely nothing to do with work philosophy.

You have to be impressed at the skills of the scientists and mathematicians who were able to launch an orbiter to meet up with a 500 meter asteroid and get within .4 miles of it. 

The police are a hate group.

Speaking as a Swiss citizen (the home country of Richard Mille), there is nothing more Swiss than an incredibly expensive watch that tells you to be punctual about going down on someone.

I know at least a dozen people who worked on Thrones and it’s always been a super tough shoot every season. Filming days run 12 to 14 hours for months in end and because our weather is shite, you’re frequently outdoors in the rain in freezing temperature. The last season was worse because it was largely night shoots

Finally, a rich guy version of getting your calculator to spell BOOBIES. 

jesus fuck at the losers in here who are piling on Gadsby “she’s not funny lulz lulz look at how contrary I am.”