
To your second point: if Miller were alive during the Holocaust, I have no doubt he’d be part of the Jewish Ghetto Police.

Lias Andersson, more like Pjoor Spjort

Yeah, I experimented with libertarianism in high school briefly, but quickly grew out of it when I noticed how my boobs and vagina were causing the free market to treat me differently...

I’m sorry, did you just say “at least we aren’t beating you up or killing you?” What the fuck is wrong with you?

My six kids ranging in ages 17 to 2 usually fight over computers and other electronics. When they try to get me involved, I remind them my solution will always be no one wins. That’s usually enough motivation for them to come up with a compromise on their own.

But are they a non-Newetonian one?

The fact that this was shot in the concourse of Hard Rock stadium in Miami makes it that much sweeter.

You have lost your fucking mind. Liberals do not support theocracies. Liberals also do not support America setting up puppet regimes.

You go to 100 mechanics. 98 of them say it’s the transmission, 2 say there’s nothing wrong with your car and that burning smell and grinding you hear is totally normal. Who do you listen to? You go to 100 doctors, 98 of them say your spouse has cancer, two say to drink more orange juice. Who do you listen to? 

Pick the mechanic whose work is supported & endorsed by 98% of the other scientists in the world.

If you think climate scientists are saying “believe this data because we say so” then you don’t fucking understand what they are saying.

What even is the point of your post?

Some of these editorial comments contain the force and “good lord, do you read the things you type” sentiment that I sometimes dream of including in responses to student essays.

...I never do, because being snarky with a student, even at the college level, can damage the learning process—but still, I admit that the

If your dissertation director was as, um, honest as mine, then these comments are mild to slightly stinging. My favorite: “This sentence is merely words vomited upon the page. It doesn’t even qualify as a sentence. Sentences have structure even if the grammar is poor. This ‘thought’ resembles a piece of gum sticking

Handy reminder that having a British accent doesn’t mean you’re smart.

Huh. Half-assed Oscar Wilde by way of Perez Hilton marinated in some bullshit about benevolent trolling? Winning prose, here.

Holy shit, and I thought my dissertation was poorly written. Maybe it’s not a good idea to give a huge advance to someone who is only famous for being an asshole?

In this case, the guy wasn’t trying to be part of a showcase. He was trying to get a ticket to be in the audience...for a show he otherwise wouldn’t have been interested in if it wasnt advertised as “no boys allowed”. I’m a guy and I have no problem with such a show. Most guys wouldn’t even give it a thought. I bet

That hat trick tied the Premier League’s greatest ever scorer, Alan Shearer, for his record of 36 goals in a calendar year, set in 1995.

Chivalry is bullshit and demeaning to women. This isn’t hard.

File Under: No shit, Sherlock.