
Oh, honey.

Truly an important message, when driving a car stoned it’s very important to pay attention. It’s also important not to play any rap with police sirens as background noise because that shit will freak you out.

Get a brain moran.

Thinking that Keurigs are wasteful isn’t a mutually exclusive position with thinking that you shouldn’t boycott them for the sole reason of them being opposed to child molestation.

Are all Trumpers just incapable of understanding the world around them?

A noble attempt, but the setup is too long.

I had a good friend who was abused and harassed by a colleague of hers and nobody did anything about it when she spoke up. I’ve seen how not believing a victim has ruined a life and career. Anyone can just deny allegations especially if they’re powerful and the accuser isn’t.

What the hell are you expecting people to say to you? I’ve had a former teammate who was falsely accused of sexual assault. You know why I wouldn’t just bring that up completely out of nowhere? Because I have nothing to get out of that. The circumstances are so wildly different that the story is irrelevant and the

The point was ignored because it’s offensive in the context of this story. You knew that when you posted it, and now you’re backpedaling saying “oh, its not about this case...”

Shoot first; confirm identifying details later.

There is a line a reasoning commonly used that anyone within 20 feet with a knife can close the gap before you can draw a gun and fire. I’ve seen it used to justify a shooting way too many times. Some people just like it when people get shot and/or killed. It’s like people who call for public executions to “deter

Well we know how this is going to go:

From The West Wing and one of your better presidents: “That’s the problem with the American Dream - makes everyone concerned for the day they’re gonna be rich”

Also, for every super successful story that you hear there are 100 0r 1000 that didn’t live up to expectations or worth writing home about. You might not be the next steve jobs, but if your business is making some money instead of losing you are in the path of being successful despite what other people say.

Freedom doesn’t reside in someone’s ability to carry a machine of death, it resides in being able worship, go to school, go to a concert or party at a nightclub without having to fear that it could all end in an instant.

I know a lot of people will say “she barely grazed him, how is that a felony?” The laying of hands on any public servant is automatically a felony, regardless of intensity/result.

Are you actually surprised the crowd was more enthusiastic than at those spotting events you attended? A bunch of people sitting around locating Waldo will hardly get the adrenalin flowing.

That’s quite a leap you’ve made. You’re an idiot.

Serious answer: That’s where the ball is spotted for a penalty kick.

What is that quote? “We don’t need men in feminist spaces, we need men to take male spaces and make them feminist.”