
Ok I am high, but you understand my confusion, right?!

Nick Clegg, is that you? I was wondering what happened to you after you sold out your constituents and single-handedly made your party irrelevant.

So what you’re saying is that you didn’t routinely shit on the same person’s front porch every morning, and occasionally in a Walgreens (and one could assume not in their restroom) when you had to shit?

Yeah, a pretty crappy excuse, if you ask me.

So the lesson here kids is, you can help tell the most outrageous lies in the history of the Presidency to the taxpayers who pay your salary. You can be complicit in actions that were illegal, immoral and harmful to the country as well as countless individuals, and you can suck at your job so poorly you get canned

Fuck the Emmys and I am disappointed in Colbert. It’s the treatment of politics as entertainment spectacle and joke that got us the heinous administration we have now. This is the type of decision rich white people make because, no matter their political persuasion, they are largely insulated from the repercussions of

I can’t believe GGG can put that amount of power behind a punch with his upper body leaning backwards and off balance at the start of the punch. The way his body torques to bring momentum of his entire bodyweight hurtling forwards (and accurately!) is incredible.

I value the ability to judge each incident on its own merit than “consistency.” The latter is where you get shit like mandatory minimums.

I was fired for taking a shit on my boss’s desk

To be fair, a lot of things leave Klopp extremely confused. Like defense, the need to sign centerbacks, defensive midfielders, clean sheets, etc.

Trump could go on national TV and say ‘I hate black people and I think they are inferior to white people’ and your ass would say ‘he’s not racist. He was just speaking his mind.’ Hell he could straight up say “I’m a racist” and you would still defend him. Also:

But you’re likely bored because, though culture wants to popularize the idea that things like a young woman playing on the boy’s team is normalizing, it actually isn’t. It happens once or twice, but it isn’t really happening, and that’s what bores me. We talk about the wage gap, and I work in a place run by women, but

Typing to Siri might actually be the most useful thing because now it might actually understand what I want. I’m really disappointed by how long it’s taking them to figure this out. Siri isn’t new and still it has no real plain English capability or concept of context - you have to talk rigidly and in very skewed

The animal experiments which would be necessary to address these toxicological issues were rated unethical because tattoos are applied as a matter of choice and lack medical necessity, similar to cosmetics.””

Oh, the “words are just a sequence of sounds” argument is complete bullshit, and one of the most pointless observations you could ever make. Every culture has taboo words, and brain scans SHOW recognizable effects when those particular terms are used. You are not more enlightened about langauge, you’re more ignorant

“Hey, I want to use any word that anyone else is allowed to use without getting shit for it, so I want you all to ignore the couple centuries of violent history behind this word and choose not to be offended. If you ignore people being racist, it’ll help solve racism too!”

No You’re doing great.

Thank you. I’m not very good at this, as you can see.

spewing shit like a Nazi clown.

and he’s bad, bad, steve bannon