
It’s not a defense, just an explanation why I think it works. I think Teddy Atlas’ off the cuff, personality analysis during some fights is great. For a similar reason people don’t like him. The drama around these fights, by the fighter’s own admission, can really affect things. I think there’s always a place for a

My ex used to tease me about shouting “spawn on me!” at kids on the internet

My pleasure, no problem! I just added context because I watch Vice news every night with my father for the past 8 mos or so, I’ve grown accustomed to the different reporters. I feel in a way I know the kind of person Elle is, but she really has never had a report or assignment of ANY real controversial material.

I’m going to give your favourite game a score of 7.8 and see how you deal with it.

Adults generally do not bully kids, especially strangers, outside the anonymity of the internet. The ones that do are ostracized, rightly, because they are a cancer in any community, large or small.

The problem is that the world is a horrible god damn place. We make the world better by confronting the world’s problems, not by excusing them like you’re doing.

What’s the greater show of strength? Accepting and shrugging off the evils of the world, or making a stand to change them?

i love when that happens and if i see a kid like that getting picked on, ill do my best to fuck up whoever is picking on them, but that usually isnt the case. usually its some brat whos parent use a game console as a way to get their kids to leave them the fuck alone and they are using the anonymity to generally act

I’ve been trying to keep that in mind more and more when I play games, and also when I leave/respond to comments on articles here. Not everyone is 30 years old, with decades of life experience under their belt that they’re pouring into their comments. Not everyone I team with in something like Rocket League has the

I think her counter was purely a result/display of her personal feelings and deepest held convictions, but she may not have been prepared for arguing that specific topic, or she was and just lost it in the moment and the chemicals in her brain. I know I’ve been giving a speech or presentation before and even when I’m

Let he who has never whooshed cast the first PWN.

This is a good point, but to her credit Elle was on Anderson Cooper the other night and she said she was terrified the entire time she was with these things and that she was definitely scared for her life. It should be noted her producer, who was with her and the camera person the whole time, is black, and was also

I’ll be the contrarian here and say I really appreciate Joe Rogan’s commentating. I think comedians are good at personality analysis, manipulating an audiences’ emotion, story telling, and he knows his MMA stuff. Sure, he can be biased and he mentions that quite a bit when he’s narrating a fight about a friend, but


It was an opportunist’s goal, beautifully taken.

Not sure what else there is to say.

In the moment, easy to make that mistake. In editing, it should have been picked up and either left our or commented on.

The connective psychic tissue that binds all these groups together is pathological male insecurity. In almost every single instance, if you scratch the surface, you will find toxic masculinity spilling out like a foul miasma. This is indicative of a profound anxiety about their personal power in the world.

There are plenty of different ways and many are better. The UK system ain’t perfect but the Judiciary is almost entirely separate from the political class, with even political chosen heads of things like inquiries publicly scrutinised.

Fucking white people.

I think this will be remembered as the pivot moment where Don Lemon finally became presidential.