
If someone maliciously comes at me with a handful of peanut butter, knowing that I’m deathly allergic, I’m going to react as if it were a knife or a gun.

No, like I seriously have no idea which one is the star.

You seem to have a deep and profound lack of understanding of what free speech entails.

If you are reserving your venom for registered members of the National Socialist party then you can go ahead and be useless somewhere else

No, people not wanting to listen to Milo et al’s inane fucking racist babble is not ‘ruining free speech’ free speech means the government can’t censor you, it doesn’t mean I can’t tell you to shut the fuck up, or make fun of you for your stupid goddamn beliefs. I swear to christ, for hating ‘SJWs’ and ‘Political

No, i’m gonna let him backpedal because it’s obvious he pulled the statistic as a defensive measure or argumentation without knowing any better. We can do our job to let him know how to get his statistics and information better, what i’m not gonna go is keep making someone look like a piece of crap when we all know

White people dont want to be a minority? Why? Is being a minority A BAD THING in this country?!

It’s not about outrage. Many people simply don’t want to listen to someone with stupid, hateful views. And why should we? People are judging jontron and finding him lacking.

It’s neat how they let that guy from Fine Young Cannibals hold the trophy.

To a guy with epilepsy, you’re fucking right they’re not too different. Stop being a disingenuous little fuckstick.

I won’t kink shame someone, especially when there are so many other reasons to shame them.

Exactly. You have to bring in young players at some point, and is there anyone who is a) English b) fit and c) better that’s not in the squad? Also you can mock Defoe, but he’s the second highest English scorer in the Premier League. Leaving him out would be harsh, given that Kane isn’t fit.

Even though a lot of it is pushed on by injuries, it’s about goddamn time they stopped picking the same arthritic names. If the teams won’t develop the players, the national program needs to give it all a push.

Was just coming here to say this.

I found all the characters pretty bland for the most part, but that was actually the appeal to me. haha. Was relaxing in a way.

It’s a difficult situation. She didn’t tell anybody about it and didn’t want Till hurt. But then she lied on the stand and ruined any credibility she might have eventually earned.

Yeah. I’m exhausted with having to tell people that there is a difference between being “nice” and being “good”.

Oppressed peoples reacting to, decrying, fighting, and giving the finger to their oppressors and oppression is not “hatred.” FFS

I actually think it was a good thing. Because so many people, especially white people, build up racists as this inhuman “other” in their heads to the point that they themselves cannot be a racist because they’re not some utter monstrosity that few people could ever accomplish being.

Legit question, are you white? Because you sound incredibly privileged to give racists a pass. Because here’s the thing, for POC like me, we can’t afford to give them a pass or the benefit of doubt. Especially in cases like this. Because doing that leads to real harm and even potential death for me and mine and my